Chapter 12

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Hellooooo! Thankyou for 600 reads! I'M SO HAPPYYY, so this will be a longer chapter! :)

Lucy POV
The caller ID is Troian, I have ignored her those couple of weeks and choose to answer the phone. "Hi?" I said, "Luce!! You answered? Are you okay? Can I come by?" She asked suprised and excited. "Yeah, sure." I answer her last question.
"I see you in ten minutes." She said quickly probably before I can change my mind.

The doorbell rings and I pull myself up from the couch. When I open the door I see Troian and Shay smiling like idiots. "Hi." I say akward, I haven't talked to them in so long. "Luce!" Shay yells and she hugs me tight, when she finally pulls away, Troian hugs me.
I really missed them


I lay on my couch, Ashley is sleeping at the other end. She doesn't want to be hold in her sleep like Lucy wants, and I doesn't want to hold her in her sleep if I'm honest.
I love her, well I tell myself that I love her. I almost believe it when I repeat those words 'I love her' in my head again and again, but I know its not true and it never will be.

I'm just thinking about everything and I feel my eyes close.

She is the one, her dark hair is braid behind her face. The white dress falls on the ground and my smile was never so wide. I look at my beautiful girl, I take her hand. She looks at the ground, I can only stare at her. My black suite fits perfectly and my brown hair is curly like usual. "Take you Ian Micheal Harding, Karen Lucille Hale to you're wife, do you promise to love her for the rest of you're life?"

"Yes! I do." I say, still smiling.

I look at her she still hasn't faced me, is that a bad sign?

"Take you Karen Lucille Hale, Ian Michael Harding to you're husband, and do you promise him to love him for the rest of you're life."

I look at her, she is so beautiful.

"I'm sorry.." She stutters, I look surprised and questionable at her. What's going on?
"I'm sorry I can't do this." And she runs away..

I lost the love of my life.

I see all my friends and family they are laughing at me, I begin to cry. They all laugh harder. "He is such a dumbass, why would she ever want to mary him!" I hear my sisters voice, "you are right! He is nothing." Keegan said. I look at my dad, he has a disappointed and dirty look on his face. "I can't believe this is my son." I begin to cry louder when everybody yells and laughs harder, I put my hands around my ears and scream.

I woke up by the sound of Ashley's voice, "Ian, are you okay?" She asked concerned.

The dreams, they begun months ago and every time I close my eyes they come back.

"Ian?" Ashley asked again. "There is nothing, just a dream."

Lucy POV

I sit down on the couch, with Troian and Shay next to me.
"So they are dating?" Troian asked. I pull my legs also on the couch, "yeah."

"Gross." Shay said, I smile. Yes finally someone is understands me.

Only thinking about Ian together with Ashley breaks my heart. Again.

"She is more likely to become Spencer." Troian said, me and Shay giggle.

Troian goes to the supermarket and me and Shay are alone.

"I can't believe Ash is doing this."
I look to Shay, "I also didn't except it." I say a bit harse, I don't want to talk about it anymore. "I'm sorry Luce, I know you don't want to think about it but Ashley was like my bestfriend. I just can't believe she would do this to you. I never thougt she liked Ian."

"Me neither."

Shay POV

I can't believe this, she never showed any interest in Ian and now she is just f*cking him while Lucy is pregnant from him. I take my phone and text Ashley I need an explanation.

S: Can we talk?

Almost immediately I get a text back.

A: Sure

I look at Lucy, she is watching the kardashians and looks uninterested at the television screen.

S: can I see you at my place at 8?

A: Ok thats fine 👍


A few minutes later

"Ian, you were really scaring me. You were all screaming and sweating."

"It was nothing."
She still looks concernd to me.
"nothing." I repeat again. She pulls her eyebrows up, "really."
"Okay, if you say so."

"Something whole different, Ash do you want to go to Virginia to meet my parents?" I ask her, it was not my idea but I told my parents about her and now they want to meet her.

"Yes, I really want to meet them. When are we going?"


Shay POV

I sit next to Lucy and we are still watching the kardashians.

My phone vibrates and I see that I have a new message from Ashley.

A: sorry Shan, i can't come tonight.

I sigh loudly.

Troian comes inside and we begin to cook. "Lucy, sit down please we can make dinner." I said to her when she wants to help us with cooking. "No I really want to help." She said.
"You are 8 months pregnant, its okay to chill and sit down." Troian said.
She still keeps standing in the kitchen. "okay or you help us, if you want." I said, she smiles at us "yes, let's begin."


We pack our bags, "sorry for telling you so late."

"No problem, I just would go to Shannon tonight but I canceld."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I understand you want to see her, you haven't seen her in ages." Ashley is most of the time with me. She always calls Shay with her real name Shannon, I like that about her.

We drive to the airport in silence.

Lucy POV

We put our self-made pizza's in the hot oven, "we also could have just orderd a pizza." Shay said, I nod "yes." Troian sighs, "self-made is always tastier."

We walk back to my livingroom, because we have to wait for the pizza's.

"And Luce, how is you're pregnancy going?" Troian asked. "Great, actually." I answer.

"I felt him kick for the first time a few weeks ago." I said, it felt unreal. "Thats great!" Shay said.

"Him?" Troian asked, Shay and Troian are looking suprised at me. "I don't know if its a girl of boy, but when I think about the baby. I think about a little tiny Ian."

The timer went of and the pizza's are ready.

Me and Troian walk to the kitchen to take them out of the oven, "I can do this Troi." She nods and sits down.

I walk to my kitchen.
I open the door of the oven and want to take the pizza's out of it, when I feel something breaking and see some water on the ground.

I let out a scream
"Luce are you alright?" Shay asked, "uhm, no."

"What's going on?" Troian asked, and they both walk into my kitchen.

"My water just broken."


Heyyy, you probably al hate me rights now for quiting here. But I promise I will update sooooon.

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And if you're still reading this, please comment for some nice baby names. ;)


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