Chapter 7

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Lucy POV

I analyze the words of Troian, pregnant? I think about my period, and remember I'm late. I'm never late. I think about how I threw up so many times, morningsickniss ofcourse.
"I think that you're right.." I said while looking at the ground, thinking about all the consequents maybe I lose my job! Troian, Ashley and Shay looking worried at me. "You don't know for sure! I will buy you a test." Ashley said. "Thank you Ash." "You're welcome Goose." "I call Marlene, we aren't going to work today." Troian said. I nodd, "I have to talk to Ian" when I said that I feel tears forming in my eyes. Shay hugs me tightly and I sob into her shoulder. Troian calls Marlene and Ashley buys a pregnancy test. I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant, but I have to be really sure if I tell Ian. Shay put the tv on, I don't watch I can only think about the fact I have probably a baby in my stomach, it's crazy. Troian walks in "I have called Marlene, it's okay if we take the day off, I said there was something really important going on. Nobody has to film today." I nodd "Thanks." and drink some water. "Do you want something to eat?" Shay asked. "Yes, that would be great." I stand up to make some food in the kitchen, when Shay said "I meant that I would make it." "No I can really make my own sandwiches, you all have helped me enough." Shay smiled at me. I walk into my kitchen and make a sandwich, when I want to drink a cup of coffee I remind that I'm probably pregnant. I drink some tea.

Ashley has buyed the pregnancy tests. I'm scared as hell, my whole life could change because of those things. She bought 3 tests, just to be sure. I give her the money, "Luce, you don't have to give me money for this." "Are you sure?" I replied. "Yes ofcourse, just try them out!"

I walk out of my bathroom I just used the tests, I have to wait 5 minutes. "I'm 90% sure I'm pregnant, but It's still so scary." I said. Troian hugs me and kissed my cheek, "You would be an amazing momma." She said. I smile, knowing it isn't true.

After 5 minutes I walk into my bathroom, where the tests are waiting for me. I'm so scared I can't do this.

I look at the tests;


The other one;


And the other one;


Oh god.

I look at my friends, and tears falling down from my cheeks. They hug me tightly. "I have to go to Ian." I take one test, and place it under in my handbag. "Do you want us to join?" Shay ask, I really need them right know but I have to do this on my own. "No I have to do this alone, I call you after. Thanks for everything." I said to all of them.


A hour before.

Marlene called me to tell me we aren't filming today. I'm happy I still can't face Lucy.

I'm laying on my couch, I stand up and search for some alcohol. I can't find it, I stop searching take my car keys and walk outside to my car.

I pass a bar and stop to drink something. A girl of my age walks my way, she is a tall blondine. She looks like a slut, she is pretty girl but not so far beautiful as Lucy. Stop thinking about her, I said to myself. "Hey handsome, can I buy you some drink." She ask with a giggle. I already don't like her, but I want to forget Lucy. "Maybe at my place?" I ask her while I smile charming at her. "Sounds good, I'm Britney." I take her hand it doesn't fit like my hand in Lucy's, but it's okay.

We arrive at my house, Britney walks into my house. "Looks great." "Thanks."

She bring her hand to my shirt and pulls it over my head. I quick take my other clothes off and I bring wild her clothes also off.
I kiss her hard, without any passionate, feelings, lust, love. I wanted to forget Lucy, but I can't. Lucy kisses were so much better. I remember all of them. I remember everything, all the nights when she yelled my name. The nights I made her feel the only girl in the world. The nights were we made love.

The clothes of me and Britney are laying all over the floor. She kissed me everywhere, I kiss her lips and bring myself inside of her. She moans, she want to scream my name but she doesn't know what it is. It doesn't feel right, with Lucy I felt so much more. I can't forget her, I love her so much. Britney brings herself on top of mine, and takes the control, and I moan something I don't know what, but Britney stops. "Lucy?" She said with one eyebrow up. I really said Lucy's name, good job Ian. I begin to get red, chuckle and take the control again. I hear the doorbell and ignore it, I kiss her neck but never forget about the girl who has to lay on top of me. My love. My Lucy.

Lucy POV

I am standing for Ian's house, I'm so nervous. I hope he isn't mad anymore and he believes me. I ring the bell, and I wait a few seconds. Nobody react, I see his car. So he is home, I ring again. No reaction, I search in my bag until I found it; Ian's key.

I unlock the door, and I see everywhere on the ground clothes, and I hear screams from the bedroom. I know what's happening and I don't want to believe it. The frontdoor falls in his lock, and the screams stop. I want to walk away, I feel the tears forming in my eyes. When I walk away, I hear his familiar voice."Lucy?" I hear him saying suprised. I turn around with tears streaming down off my face.

Chapter 7 :)


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