Chapter 13

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45 minutes later
Troian POV

I sit next to Shay by Lucy's hospital bed, all the colour in her face dissepeard and she looks so scared.

I hold her hand and she begins to cry quietly "I can't do this, I'm so scared.." she said, I squeze in her hand. "Everything is going to be okay, you're gonna be an amazing mom and just think about you're little baby."

Shay nods, "it's going to be fine Goose."

Lucy still breaths fast and her hands are sweaty.
"Please call Ian again."

"Yeah sure." Shay said.

She calls him and he isn't answering her again.
Lucy sighed. "He has to be here." And she begins to cry again.
"Shhh Luce, he will come, he comes." I said while looking concernd to Shay, what if he isn't coming?
I have never seen Lucy so scared and stressed.

Shay's phones vibrated and on her screen I see that Ian calls.
Lucy also sees it, "speaker please."

Shay takes her phone and press on speaker, "hello Shan." Ian's low voice fulls the room. "Ian, I'm in labor." Lucy soft scared voice tells him.
"What?" He asked shocked. "The baby is coming."

"I come immideatly, wich hospital?"
Shay answers him, and he hangs up.


"I didn't even thought about any baby names." Lucy laughed.
"I think Shay is really nice for a girl." She said with a chuckle.

"Or Troian, and Troi for a boy." I said. "

"Such great ideas!" Lucy said and let out a little giggle.

"Jezus!" She yells. "Everything alright?" Shay asked. "Just my stomach." While she said thay she lays her hand on her huge belly. "This peanut wants to come out." She said with a smirk.


I run to the service desk, "hello, can I help you?" The woman with grey hair at the desk asked me. "Yes, in which room is Lucy Hale?"

"She is in room 134."
The older lady said.

"Thanks." I mumble and I begin to search for room 134.


I don't knock on the door, I just walk in.

I see her, she is so beautiful. the huge belly, with our child makes her even more beautiful.
"Ian, you are here." She said.

"Yes I'm here." I sit on the other side of her than Troian and Shay.

Lucy smiles at me, and I smile back. "Please don't leave me." She said, I take her hand. "Never." I response, while brushing my thumb back and forth across her skin.

"Ian can you please call my parents."
She asked me.
"Yes ofcourse."

I walk out of the room, and before I can call Lucy's parents Ashley storms to me. "Is she here?" She asked and brings her finger to the right door. "Yeah."

She walks in and I call Lucy's parents.


Shay POV

Ashley storms inside, she stands akwardly next to Lucy's bed.

"Can I talk to you?" I ask her.

"Yeah sure."

We walk out of the room and Ian enterns it.

"What the f*ck are you doing?"
I ask her.

"Sorry?" She asked.

"Why are you dating Ian."

She sighs, "And don't say you love him!" I add, she looks at her shoes.

"I don't want to date Ian."
She said.

"Then why the f*ck are you doing it." I ask her harse, I'm so pissed of.

A nurse who walks by gives me a dirty look.
I don't even care at the moment.

"Anthony is asking me to, I date Ian or he hurts the baby."

I hug my bestfriend, finally a explaination for her behavior.

She cries soft, "Lucy hates me so much."

"No ofcourse not." She gives me 'the look'.

"Okay maybe a little." I add.
And she chuckles.

"I know Ian doesn't loves me, he is just trying to forget Lucy."
She said.

I nod, "he will never."

She nods in agreement, "he is even calling her name in his sleep."

I chuckle, "and is he a good kisser?" I ask her.

"Uh, not really. Well he is never really into it." She said and laughs.

I giggle, "his heart already belongs to someone else."
We giggle together, and we spot
Tyler and Keegan walking down the corridor.

"Hey babes." Tyler said and we hug him tight. "Hey." Keegan said and we hug him too.

"Nice cast reunion." Ashley chuckles.

We all laugh, I missed my best friend so much.

"AAAH!!" We heard Lucy's voice out of the room.


happy PLL day, will Aria say yes? I really hope so, but I think she is first going to tell Ezra about Elliot/Archild and then he is like 'but I still love you' and then she will say yes. Well I hope so, I only have to wait for tomorrow to watch the episode because its 'here' almost midnight :(

And also I'm so happy they won the Teen Choice Award for the seventh time! :D

hope you liked this chapter.
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Next chapter there will be a LUCIAN baby.
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