Chapter 6

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Lucy POV

A week. It's a week, and Ian still ignored me. I feel bad, really bad. My daily routine is; laying in bed, feeling sick I almost throw up every morning. Troian, Shay and Ashley are texting me a lot, I haven't react yet. We have no filming this week, even though I feel awful I want to speak to Ian. I have text him a lot, but his phone is here in my apartment. He don't came by to pick it up, I don't know if he will be.


I can't stop thinking about Lucy, I thought our love was strong and she loved me. I feel afwul, I look awful. When I finally fall asleep in the middle of the day. I wake up by the sound of a knock at my door. I quickly look around in my house, it's a mess. I open the door and see Troian standing infront of me, great...

"Hello Troian."
"Hi Ian, can I come in?"
I don't want her to see my house, the mess, the alcohol but I answer before I can think about that. I really need somebody right know, and yes that can be Lucy's best friend. "Yes, come in." "Ian I don't want to be rude, but you look terrible!" "Thanks Troian." I answer sarcastic. "But I feel also terrible."
"What's going on?" "You haven't talked to Lucy." "No.. I think she is ignoring me." "Lucy and I broke up." "Ow seriously? Why?" "She cheated on me" "Really? Lucy cheated on you?" "Yeah." "Why? I thought she loved you." I look irrated at Troian. "I don't know!!" I yell at her, and I begin to cry. She pulls me in a hug, and I feel better not good but better.

Troian POV

I look at the funny, nice, handsome, man. He looks awful, broken. I really thought Lucy loved him.. I have to talk to her. I feel Ian crying against my sweater and I smell his alcohol breath. I'm sorry for him.

I take a glass of water and give it to Ian, "I'm sorry Troian, I'm sorry I cried." "Don't apologize Ian! She is the one, who has to apologize." He nodd and takes a sip of his water. "Ian I have to go! If you need something you can call me! I'm here for you. I Love you, bye" "Thank you Troian, you're a great friend. Love you too." He pulls me back for a second hug and I walk out of his apartment.

Now I have to go and see someone else; Lucy. When I arrive at her house, I see Ashley also standing for her house. When I parked my car I walk up to Ashley, "Hey Ashley, also going to look for Luce?" "Yeah, do you know what's going on? She is ignoring my texts and calls." "I was just at Ian's and he told me that Lucy has cheated on him!" "What! I thought she loved him." "Yeah me too!" I ring the doorbell and we both wait for a few seconds, no reaction. Ashley looks in the window, and we find Lucy crying on the couch. I look for her spare key, and I found it under the doormat, "I found the key!" "Okay let's open this door, and ask what the hell is going on!"
"Yeah, but not with those words." I respond at Ashley, she rolls her eyes and I open the door. When we walk into her house, we found a mess, when Lucy sees us she begin to cry harder. Ashley walks to Lucy and hugs her tightly, when Ashley is done I hug her. Her eyes are red and fluffy, "What are you two doing here?" She ask. "We thought you could need some friends!" Ashley respond, Lucy tried to smile at us. A moment later she runs to the toilet, and we hear her throwing up. I look good at her house, there is a lot of chocolate and pickles on her table. Ashley also sees the pickles and brings her eyebrows up. A few minutes later Lucy excused herself
"Is everything okay Goose."
"No, not really." She answered at my question and begins to cry again."I think you have spoken to Ian?" I nodd. "Yes." "It's not true I haven't cheat on him."

Lucy POV

"What?" Ashley asked. I tell them the whole story about Anthony, and begin to cry again. "Ian hates me!" They hug me tight. "And I'm also ill."
"Shhh.. Luce. It will all come good!" Troian said, I really want to believe her but I don't. "Ashley, Troian I really need you two right now, can you sleep over?" "Yeah ofcourse Luce." They said both. I smile at them, and we begin to watch a movie. When were watching I ate my pickles and chocolate. "Sorry Luce but this comination looks horrible." "No it's not, it taste great." They look at each other. "Do you wanna try?" "No, thanks." Troian said and Ashley shakes her head quick. I roll my eyes and we watch the movie further. After half an hour I feel my eyes are closing and I fall asleep.

I wake up by the smell of pancakes and bacon. I walk into my kitchen, and see Ashley, Shay and Troian cooking. Shay sees me and hugs me "Ashley and Troian have told me! I'm so sorry Luce." I smile at her. "You all didn't have to do all this pointing at the breakfast. "We wanted too." Ashley said and the other girls smile as agreement.

"It was really good. Thanks." I said when were all done eating. "No problem Luce." Troian said. "You're welcome." "Do we have to go to work today?" I ask. "Yeah.." Shay answerd. "Ow, well I have to talk to Ian." "We will help you Lucy." Ashley said. When I stand up to hug them I have to throw up again, I run through the bathroom and puke out everything I ate. I walk back to the girls, and I looks curious at Troian who talks quick to Ashley and Shay and stops when I arrive. "Were where you talking about?" I ask curious. "Lucy, We think you're pregnant."

Hi everybody. Chapter 7 tomorrow I think! :)
Much love!
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