Chapter 9

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A few hours later


"Sir, you can see her now." I hear the doctor. I'm reliefed, those 3 hours I have been sitting here frightned.

I saw how the car crashed Lucy, how I heard her voice screaming. I remember how I runned to her, and I saw her looking dead. I cried, a lot.

I thought she was dead. I called 911.

I felt her lifelose body in my arms, my tears falling down on her body. I remember how I said "I don't want to lose you." Again and again how I waited for a reaction from her.

I searched for a heart beat, and happily I found it.

And now I'm in the hospital, sitting in the same position for hours. Waiting to hear anything about the girl I love.

Before I walk in to the room, the doctor stops me. "Sir, she felt hard on her head. She don't remind things from the past few weeks."
"What?" "She has memory lost for a few days or weeks but it could also been months, or years. She will not remind things, of less than a year ago." I nodd. Wow I'm shocked, what if she don't remember me. Or worse our love. "Physically everything is alright with both of them." The doctor said. Both? Before I can ask him what he means, he opens the door. When I see Lucy sleeping in the hospital bed I forget my question. I walk into the room, and sit next to her. I take her hand, and kiss softly her head. "Luce, I love you so much. Please wake up, my love." I said to her, while bringing with my hand her hair out of her face. Her eyes still closed.

I think I felt asleep because I wake up from her beautiful voice. "Ian?" I look at her with a smile on my face, she reminds me. I take her face in both of my hands, and kiss her head soft." She looks shocked.

Lucy POV

I wake up and see Ian my bestfriend sleeping beside my bed, holding my hand. Where am I? I look in the room, it looks like a hospital room. I try to take my hand out of Ian's hand but he just hold me closer, not that I mind. But we are just friends.

"Ian?" I said soft, I feel sorry for waking him up. He wakes up and looks with a cute smile and twinkles in his eyes at me. He takes my face in his hands, and kissed my forhead

"Ian, what happened." I say shocked, hoping he brings his hands out of my face because I really want too kiss him now. And that would be weird.
He looks with concern and love at me and said "Luce you were in a car accident." I am shocked. What? I don't remind anything.


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