Chapter 1 ♥ Let's Reminisce

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8:30 p.m.

Winter 2013

Brooklyn, New York


I sat on the floor of the bathroom with blood dripping down one hand, and a blade sitting in the other.

Its been a minute since I cut,but it still has the same affect on me that it used to all those years ago

Cutting makes me feel better, but it also makes me think about him.

When he left he didnt say when he was coming back, or go that deep into why he was leaving. All that I got was an I love you.





I was sitting on the roof waiting for him to get here

We sit on top of the roof whenever one of us needs to talk, but most of the time, it's me who needs to talk.

I was sitting cris crossed staring up at the stars when I felt someone come up behind me and wrap their arms around my waist.

I knew it was him because he's the only sixteen year old boy that I know that smells like polo and weed.

He put his head in the crook of my neck and gently kissed it. It had no affect on me though because this is how we always greet each other.

"Lay down with me." I love how when he talks you can still hear his faint Jamaican accent

He laid down on his back and pulled me to his chest and wrapped my legs around his waist.

He gently kissed my cheek.

"You know that you're my best friend and I'd never do anything to hurt you right? and that I just want to see you happy?" He said stroking my back.

Other people might think that we were a couple from just looking at us, but we're far from it.


"Good... have you been cutting lately?"

I felt his heartbeat increase and I know that mine did too. He knows the answer to the question, but we go through this everyday.

"N-No" He pulled my legs tighter around him and left his hands on my thighs.

"Why do you lie to me?"

"Because I know that you don't like that I do it."

"Then why don't you stop?"

"Because the physical pain takes away from the pain that I feel on the inside... it makes me forget." He kissed my forehead

"We need to talk love."

"About what?" He sat us up and held me tight.

"You can't get mad... you have to trust me, and just let me explain alright?"


"I'm gonna take care of you... I'm gonna get you out of here... I'll leave some money for you to take care of yourself while I'm gone."

With every word he said his grip got tighter.

"While you're gone?! No!" I started struggling in his arms and hitting him

"No! You-You can't leave me!" he just held me tighter as my hits began to get weaker

"You can't leave me, I need you...I need you so much." I said finally breaking down

"Shh, it's okay... it's okay"

"Why are you doing this? why are you leaving me?" I said sobbing into his chest. He kissed the top of my head and rocked me back and forth

"Baby I don't want to leave you but I have to...I'm going back to Jamaica, to work with my dad for a while... I need to be a man and make my own money, I can't live off of him forever. I'm just trying to make a better life for us."

I finally got out of his grip and stood over him. His hazel eyes were dilated but his facial expression was stern so I knew that his decision was already made.

"You just don't give a fuck do you! You don't understand! I don't give a damn about the money, I just need you to be here to help me get through this."

He got up off of the floor and walked closer to me.

"Sometimes that's not enough."

He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me tightly against him. He trailed kisses up my neck before planting a gentle kiss on my lips.

"I'm coming back for you...I love you."


End of Flashback


He left me here with a duffle bag full of money, by my lonesome .

I lost my bestfriend that night and a few months later I ran away from my foster home. I was tired of getting beat on and fed false hopes

After I ran away I was living on the streets for a while before these two boys came and found me.

They didn't care where I came from or where I was going,they just wanted to look out for me .

They taught me everything that I know and they are like my big brothers now. They've put a few niggas in the hospital for me and I've put a few bitches back in line for them.

We live together in this big ass condo...dont ask where we get the money,just know that we make it work.

But on to more relevent shit, I heard that he's coming back, but that doesn't have shit to do with me.

I still have love for my bestfriend , but shit, New York doesn't have sympathy for anyone...The only ones that I have love for are my big brothers and my team, fuck everybody else because nobody ever handed me shit.

You can't really run from shit out here, so I'm not going to avoid him because it would be a waste of time...I just hope he knows that I'm not the little helpless orphan that he left behind.

The Bricks built me.



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