Chapter 32 ♥ Your Eyes, They Give You Away

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Meela in the MultiMedia


"I hate that we live to die,

But only God knows why, I pray

We all have a purpose,

And to see you again it'll be worth it."


♥Money's POV

"Raise yo fuckin hand at me one more time Meela, I swear to God-" See, we wouldn't be having this discussion if he didn't command me to change my number like he's my fucking father.

"Nigga what the fuck you gone do? huh? Fuck told you, you could pick up my phone?!" I raised my voice, hands in his face, testing him, but we wouldn't be in this situation if he didn't test me in the first place.

"I don't pick up yo damn phone! We not together, I don't want you in my shit!" I watched as the veins in his neck came in and out of view, questioning my choice of words as his eyes got darker.

He walked towards me, a familiar look in his eyes. It took mere moments to register the sound of my phone breaking from the impact of being thrown against the wall.

"I could give a fuck about that phone or the bullshit it came along wit, feel me?! I want that shit changed by tonight. You can either do it or just not have a phone." I stared at the shattered pieces of my phone in disbelief before my hand met the side of his face.

My back hit the bed faster than I had time to register and my breath came out in short pants. He hovered over me, one leg on either side of my waist. One of his hands held my hands together above my head while the the other held the side of my face so I had no choice but to look up at him.

"Yuh mus want mi to put mi hands pon yuh, kip fuckin' playin wid mi." I stared up at the pink mark on his left cheek while he stared down at me.

The moment our eyes met though, it was like the last five minutes didn't even happen. He licked his lips leaning down slowly like there was some type of invisible pull between us. I anticipated the feel of him as his cool breath fanned over my lips.

"Ayo, boss." There was a knock at the door.

"Fuck," he got off of me cracking his neck and not bothering to put on a shirt as he walked to the bedroom door. I grabbed his shirt off of the pillow and quickly put it on, positioning myself at the edge of the king sized bed.

I couldn't see who it was when he opened the door or hear what he was talking about honestly. He turned around and looked at me "Go get ready, we gotta go."


We sat at the table playing monopoly with nothing but real money. "This nigga stupid as shit B," Ryan said laughing but I knew from experience that when Trey is serious, it gotta be some truth behind it.

"Like I was sayin though Mee Mee," Trey continued to talk, ignoring Ryan "for new power to be created somebody gotta die." I looked at him sideways from across the table.

"That's stupid." I said.

"No, they not teachin' you shit is that stupid as history class you waste yo time in. You ever heard of it bein' two kings at one time? That shits impossible, it don't happen." He laid his money down flat on the table and sat back.

"Let me enlighten you about where you come from. You ever heard of Alpo, Rich , AZ and them other niggas?"

"Yea, Rich is Ace and Jet dad, he back in Jamaica," I didn't understand what that had to do with what he was saying.

"Aight, check this out. Before that nigga Rich was high n mighty and shit, his pops was that dude. Had bitches, money, all dat shit. He Jamaican too but he ran the Bk and Harlem back in his day. When Rich got old enough, before he started fuckin wit that coke shit, he realized that it was either gone be him or his pops, so he popped'em."

"So, whats your point?"

"My point is Rich got two sons, it can only be one king at a time. It all come down to who gonna kill that nigga first, and then who gone run shit,"

~End Of Flashback~

"Hassan, who is that?" I pushed my self further back into his chest not liking the way the man was staring at me or how familiar he looked.

Time flew by fast and we some how ended up in a private of some wild nightclub.

"I love you, and I respect you, but I need you to be quiet for me while we here and don't talk to none of these niggas. Its way too many people in this room that would love to get to get to know you, feel me?" his words silenced me,the double meaning behind it scaring me a little bit.

Hassan wrapped an arm around my waist giving me a sense of comfort that vanished seconds later when the man smirked at me. The other men sipped cognac and he did the same.

"Baby girl why don't you go to the restroom and we can leave when you get back?" it wasn't a question, but a statement, and that alone let me know not to question him.


I walked out of the bathroom running a hand through my hair.

"Hello sweetheart." I paused in the middle of the hallway looking up to see the older man that had been staring at me earlier "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I was on my way to the restroom." he smiled gently, showing what would have been perfect white teeth if he didn't have a gold cap on of his canines. What really caught my attention though was the 'R' engraved on it.

"It's no problem." I quickly returned his smile.

I was about to walk around him but he held his hand out "They call me Rich," he shook my hand, keeping a firm grip "Thats a unique set of eyes you got on you baby girl." I pulled my hand away, something about him seems off.

"Thank you." I tried to walk away again.

"Mind giving me your name? I mean this is my club, its only right that we're properly introduced."

"Nah she good." a warm arm wrapped around my waist "And besides, it ain't none of yo damn business."

"You know, they say how long you live is based off of how well you treat your parents. You only have one as it is son." Son?

"Then don't make me have to narrow it down to zero pops," Pops?

The man laughed, and from the sound of it, his lungs have taken a lot of beating over the years "I'll see you soon son, oh and love, your eyes really are beautiful." With that he retreated down the hall.




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