Chapter 5 ♥ Just Us

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"I don't like her Hanni" I said honestly,I mean I might as well.

"Who?" He said confused

"The bitch you've been fucking... I don't like her, none." I was being bitter, but oh well.

"Awww Meemo, why she gotta be a bitch just because I'm fucking her? And watch yo mouth ma." He had a knowing look in his eyes

"She just is." I pulled my legs from his lap and sat up

"You jealous?" He asked lightly laughing but still pulled my legs back onto his lap

"No." I mugged him and his smile dropped

He climbed over me and lifted my face up making me look at him. He was so close.

I turned my head so I wouldn't have to look him in the eyes

"Mee, look at me when I'm talking to you," He has a really short temper

"Mee?!" He turned my face back to look at him when I didn't make any moves to do it myself

"Look, you don't like ole girl, so I'm dropping her, no questions asked ,feel me?" My breath caught in my throat.

He always likes me to be close to him. Ever since we met, he just has to be touching me and if he's not touching me he has to be really close.

Like now, he's an inch away from my lips, for a hormonal teenager that's a lot to take in.

"Yea, I got it." My words came out shakey

"That goes for anybody else you don't like or don't feel comfortable around either... it's just us." He kissed my forehead and pulled me into his arms.



11:45 a.m.

Brooklyn , New York


♥Money's POV


After we got done saying grace I looked around the table.

Everybody was here; Trey, Ryan, Meeko, Don , Dom, Johnny, Kels, Noelle, and A'reail but everybody just calls her Nay.

Everybody at the table looked uncomfortable as I stared them down but Trey , Ryan, and Don.

I looked over at Noelle and A'reail  but they both looked away

Nay is about 5'2, thick, with pretty hazel eyes. Me and her have been down for a while, and let's just say I'd hate to be the bitch that bumped into her on any day, good or bad, cause she has one hell of a temper. She's cool people's though

Noelle is a chocolate skin tone almost like mine and she has straight brown hair . She's what you call an "around the way" type girl. She's faithful to the streets and the streets are faithful to her.

Noelle and Trey are the most annoying ass couple. One day they hate each other then the next day they're in love, but we all know that at the end of the day, neither of them are going anywhere.

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