Chapter 12 ♥ Afraid of Lonely

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"She told me that nobody wants me, that's why my parents left.... she said that I could drop dead and nobody would miss because I'm just a waste of human space." I laughed.

"She tells me the same shit every time, it's starting to get old ya know, the least she could do is switch it up... but one day I'll make her happy, kill myself so that I won't be a burden on her or anyone else anymore."

~End Of Flashback~


12:00 p.m.

Brooklyn , New York


♥Money's POV

The thing about these jobs is that I never know shit about the person.

They could have a family at home, friends,somebody that just really cares about them... But when you owe somebody money, none of that shit is relevant.

Usually I say fuck it when I go on these jobs. I figure that the person had to do something to deserve it so its just some extra racks in my deprived pockets...but tonight was different, tonight I felt dirty, guilty almost.

After I cleared the safe I looked at the man slumped across the floor. He was still breathing, I've never really been a killer. He's just unconscious, but when he wakes up and realizes that all of his riches are gone, he'll probably wish that I killed him.


Jet dropped me back off in front of the condo. I didn't say shit, just grabbed my money and got out of the car.

I walked into the house that was quiet since Trey and Ryan were sleep. I headed straight to the office and to our safe.

I opened it and added the forty thousand that I made tonight to the stacks that were already there.

I went up to my room and changed out of my clothes and when I looked down at the remaining blood covering my sweats I felt sick to my stomach.

I ran to the bathroom, dropping to my knees in front of the toilet and throwing up everything in my stomach before getting up to brush my teeth.

As I looked in the mirror a feeling of loneliness washed over me.

Never is there a moment when I don't have someone around me, but I can't brush off the feeling that I'm really all alone out here... no real family, nothing.

The last time I cut was when I found out he was coming back. Everytime I do it , it disgusts me because I feel like I'm not strong enough but right now... right now I need it.

I grabbed a blade out of the cabinet and slid my back down the bathroom wall. The feeling of the cold metal on my skin isn't a feeling that you can forget easily.

After one cut I felt better, but after two I felt amazing...and after six, I felt like everything would be okay... The blade is like my pipe.

I took a quick hot shower. When the water hit my skin it stung, but it's nothing that I'm not used to. I got out and threw my hair in a loose high bun. I put on a long sleeved black shirt and some pyjama shorts by PINK.

I grabbed an overnight bag and started throwing random clothes into it before I grabbed my car keys and walked out of the house.


The whole drive I felt light headed, but I just brushed it off as sleepiness.

When I pulled up I grabbed my bag out of the back seat and pressed my alarm.

The walk to his door was difficult because it felt like my legs would give out any second.

I knocked on the door weakly before my eye lids started to get heavy.

He opened the door and his facial expression was hard to read.

He looked down and I followed his line of sight down to my left hand that had blood leaking from it.

"I'm sorry Hassan,"

"Oh fuck" was the last thing I heard before I passed out and everything went black


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