Chapter 28 ♥ Bad Decisions, Worse Intentions Part 2

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This is what... this what they want huh? This is what it's all about..What?

Time to take Affirmative Action son. They just don't understand you know what I mean?

Niggas comin sideways thinkin stuff is sweet man ,Ya know what I mean?

Niggas don't understand the four devils, Lust.. Envy.. Hate.. Jealousy...Wicked niggas man.


"Come 'ere ma, let me tell you a bed time story." I laid down against the side of his body and he wrapped one of his arms around my shoulders while the other was behind his head.

"What's it about?" I ran by hand down the fabric of his wife beater feeling his muscles rise and fall under my fingers.

"Chill, just listen." the room was quiet as I waited for him to start "The year was 1988, Harlem, it was the 80's so yayo was  movin' through the streets fast as fuck, makin' niggas millionaires over night an shit. You got these three young niggas, best friends ... Alberto "Alpo" Martinez, Rich Nicolas and Azie "AZ" Faison. These niggas was boomin' B, like real shit. Keys bein' flown in, plugs errywhere, they had money on they mental ,and it was fuck everything else." I listened intently.

"Eventually they couldn't handle shit no more. Money got to they heads, Bricks wasn't comin' in quick enough, dough wasn't bein' counted quick enough. These niggas set the bar , not for a coke boy, but they showed niggas in the hood what it really meant to be self made  business men." from the admiration in his voice I could tell that he looked up to at least one of these men if not all three.

"So what happened?"

"They had no compassion, got too detatched, forgot how to be humble, but they was livin'. You fast forward to like 1994 this nigga Rich had two sons at almost the same time by two different females. Prodigies in training, expected to run shit one day... before they even hit one years old they went by Ace and Jet." that's when shit connected for me, he was telling me about his dad.

"Little bit more time pass, Rich, Alpo , and AZ started beefin' could only be one, feel me?'... Somebody had to die so Rich set 'em up. He wanted to be the one to do it, and he wanted the respect that he knew would come wit it. He killed 'em at his sons birthday party, execution style, nothin' but head shots." he tensed and I could tell he was reliving some traumatic memory.

When the thought of a young Hassan witnessing his very first murder flashed through my head I felt the sudden need to comfort him.

"Feds started askin questions and when both his baby moms refused to take the bid for him, he bodied them too, changed his last name, packed his guap, went back to Jamaica... they welcomed him like a fuckin' king, and he left his sons here to raise themselves,... moral of the story, you gotta be born into this shit, this shit not for everybody,"

~End of Flashback~

"What was that about?" I paced back and forth , the music thumping in the background seeming to never come to an end.

"Don't tell me I can't send you flowers now baby." his voice was nonchalant but amused at the same time.

"Don't do-" I heard loud bangs go off in the background wherever he was "Are you okay?" my voice went from irritated to worried as soon as the thought of something happening to him crossed my mind.

"Yea, everything irie over here baby girl, hol up one second." I could tell he moved the phone away from his ear while he started givin out orders. "Grab di knife an cut all dese niggas heads off." I heard screams of pain and agony, the sound of flesh separating from flesh vivid making my breath hitch in my throat.

"Where were we baby girl?" he said like nothing happened "Na, you know what, go enjoy yourself, Imma hit you later." I was kind of disappointed as the line clicked.

Before I got the chance to open the door and exit the bathroom it was pulled open revealing Nay and Noelle... they looked anxious.

"We gotta go." Nay said

"We just got here , we didn't even take pictures yet."

"We know but it's something about your plug, so we gotta go take care of it now."


"What's up Money, y'all sold that key already?" Ice said getting straight to business as me , Trey, and Ryan sat down while everybody else opted to stand.

"Nah, clientele been complainin' Ice, what was wit that weak ass shit you shot me? You know I don't fuck with that watered down ass soda these goofies out here slang." he laughed sitting back in his seat, but I'on see shit funny.

"As long as it get sold, everybody get they cut what's the fuckin' problem?"

"That's not how we do business." he nodded rubbing his hands together before he motioned to one of his workers. They walked forward before dropping a suitcase on the table before between all of us.

Ice popped the suitcase revealing what looked like pure white girl "This is pure, I'll give it to you twenty five percent off just because I fucked up last time."

Ryan took a knife out of his pocket using it to cut open one of the packages while I kept my eyes on Ice the whole time. "You know Money, you real cute, if you ever get tired of runnin' wit the big boys I could take care of you." he smirked while Ryan rubbed some of the coke between his fingers.

"This shit is rerocked B, you fuckin playin right?" as soon as Ryan said that my intuition was to just forget about it and find another plug.

"Let's go man, I don't have time for this shit." we stood up to walk away but as soon as I turned around, Ice's voice stopped me.

"You know you should reconsider my offer... word 'round here is somebody got a hit out on that pretty little head of yours."

"Fuck you just say?" I turned back to face him.

"You heard me. Ace back in Jamaica, all I'm sayin is you might need some protection, little girls ain't got no business in a grown mans business anyways." his smile continued to get bigger.

"Ice you would wanna shut the fuck up." my anger was slowly getting the better of me.

"Show me what them lips do and I just might be able to tell you who gunnin for you." before I got to respond, he was laying on the floor dead with a bullet to his dome. I started being pulled towards the door but my mind was too gone to even pay attention.

I knew somebody from my team had just put that bullet in him, it was know doubt about it, but why wouldn't they want me to know? And how the fuck does everyone know but me?


"I know we never talked about why I really had to come out here, but how you feel about me sending you a plane ticket?"



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