i missed you. (paperjam)

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This was requested by Ink_Sanz. the plotline is there's too. Enjoy!

Ink was sitting in front of his bed drawing and thinking. Mostly about error. He kept destroying the AU's that ink made. Ink didn't remember much of his past but he couldn't help think that error was just a bit to familiar with him. Everytime they fought error seemed to tell ink a bit more about who ink is. Ink was still piecing bits and pieces of story together. As he was drawing he felt unusual magic coming from dancetale. He teleported to dancetale to see the place wrecked. Dust everywhere. Buildings destroyed. Ink quickly got out is paint set and started repainting the place, slowly putting it back together. When he was done he looked at his work and nodded. He'll get the people back later. Right now he needed to find out what did this even though he had a pretty good idea who. If he was correct the he would find who he was looking for in judgement hall. He teleported to judgement hall and was met by a very familiar face. Error. Error was holding dancetale sans in one place with blue strings. He grabbed his paint brush off his back and ran cutting the strings. He turned to face error.

(I'm not even gonna try and make errors voice glitchy because i find it a bit hard to read and i'm just to lazy. so his words are in bold)

"look who came. How've you been ink?"

"Can we please skip talking and get this over with?"

"aww ok. fine."

Error shot blue strings at ink and ink retaliated by Trying to hit him with his paint brush. it was pretty useless because neither of them could really get hit. That was until one of errors strings hit ink. Ink had been hit before and didn't expect it to go the way it did. Ink blacked out and all he remembered was error catching him and yelling his name.

~Flashbacks (gotta love em)~
Ink saw picture of him as a kid showing error how to draw galaxy art. Another picture of him and error hugging. (idk) ink saw many other pictures like these and he started to remember who he was. Then he heard errors voice.

"ink! ink please wake up!"

Error's pov

"ink! ink please wake up!"

Why was i so desprate to wake the guy up? idk it might have been because i had a major crush on the little rainbow. I noticed inks eyes flutter open.
Something was wrong though. He started crying.


"Error... i'm sorry i forgot!"

He remembers!!! I smiled and hugged him.

"i'ts okay ink. it's ok."

I pulled away from the hug and ink did the last thing i expected. He kissed me.

"thank you error."

"i missed you ya know?"

Then i pulled him to a kiss.

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