Deadly love (afterdeath)

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I just realized i need better title names. This was requested by no one so far but i wanted to do it. Enjoy~ ^w^ Also minor language Warning.

Geno's Pov

What reset was this? 66? 67? I can't tell. I waited in judgement hall like normal. Waiting for her. Frisk, or chara to be more specific. I took out some determination and shot some into my self. Maybe. Just maybe i could reset and get a pacifist route instead of a genocide route. I heard tapping at the other end of the hall. Chara stood there with a big smile and a knife in hand.
(chara in bold. geno in normal. Frisk's will be in italics and reapers will be underlined)

"Let's just get this started."

"Awwww someone getting tired?"

"yea tired of resets"

I mumbled that last part.

The battle started and she charged at me with her knife but missed. We went on and on like this for awhile. i killed her a few times but then i got tired. Even with the determination i couldn't move as fast to dodge and just accepted the knife. i stumbled to the side and repeated what i had said every single time.

"papyrus? do you want anything?"

Then i collapsed into a pile of blood. Every reset the blood seemed to get thicker. I waited till the world went black. I realized that i was in the save screen. Did i finally gain the power to reset? i saw chara frozen in place looking at the reset button and smiling. Then i looked to the side and saw frisk moving but she had heavy chains draped around her. Almost like she carried the weight of chara's sins. She was muttering something. I walked closer to see what she was muttering. She saw me and burst into tears

"Sans! I'm so sorry! I didn't want her to do it! i tried to stop her! i'm so sorry!"

I realized that i wasn't talking to a murderer ,but a sad and regretful child. The world then unfroze and chara slammed her hand down on the reset button, Creating another me to play her sick games. Frisk just stayed there crying.

"Hey it's okay i forgive you ok? it wasn't you it was chara. She should be saying sorry not you."

I started to pull the chains off her, even though it made the slash on my chest hurt a bit more. She tried to stop crying and help me but ended up crying some more once they were off.

~time skip cuz i'm lazier than my lazy fat cat~

I've been in the save screen for awhile now. It's actually rather boring. Other than this really annoying guy who's named reaper, no one every come's
here. And if i'm correct reaper will be here any moment.

"hey geno. how are you?~"

"peachy. why are you here now reaper?"

"well you seemed lonely so i came to see you."

"is that it?"

(in my story reaper doesn't kill by touching only because i feel really bad for reaper. he can't get hugs!!!! If i couldn't get a hug from someone i would go fricken insane. i love hugs)

"That an i wanted to see if you'd go on a date with me"


I blushed a slight blue at his offer. I'm mean sure the guy was annoying to no end but he wasn't afraid to speak his mind. I liked that about him. Don't get me wrong that wasn't the only thing i liked about him. I'm mean the guy was pretty damn hot.

"aww come on~ please?"


I turned bright blue. He grabbed my hand and teleported to his AU, Reapertale. Lets just say teleporting through universes is very weird. I think i collapsed after getting there because all I remember is hitting the ground and seeing lots of black.

Reaper's POV

Oh shit! he collapsed! what do i do? crap! Mental note never do that again! Not with geno anyway.

"uhh geno?"

I decide to poke him. His eyes snapped open. And i know death isn't suposed to get scared but i wasn't expecting him to wake up.

"Holy crap! The hell just happened?"

"you, uh kinda blacked out when we teleported. I forgot what that does to people when there not used to switching AU's.. Sorry."

"so we just travel to a different universe?"

"yea pretty much...."

"cool! But can we not do that again? I don't feel like blacking out again."

"yea and you get used to it after a few times."

"still not doing that again."

"heh ok."

"so where are we?"

"this is actually where i live. Most of the time anyway."

"most of the time? where do you live the rest of the time?"

"if i'm not done with my job in an AU i stay there. Get's kinda chaotic. Especially in Underlust. Do not remind me of that place. Let's hope no one dies there. Ever."

"do i wanna know what underlust is?"

"only go if you wanna get fucked."

"Never going then."

"i had to stay there for a week once. I don't know how i managed to not get found by the sans there."

"off topic how can we see if its pitch black in here?"

"i've learned not to question it. But i can make it so we can't see."

I snapped my fingers and the world went very dark.

"Turn the lights back on please."

"they aren't exactly lights."

I got the best idea. I could kiss the guy. I blushed a bit. I'm gonna do it.

"i don't care what they are. please turn them back on."

"i don't wanna. I can see perfectly fine."

I wasn't lying when i said that. I really could see just fine. I shifted toward him silently and smiled. I got closer and kissed him. I pulled out of the kiss and turned the lights back on. His face had turned bright blue, his eyes had widened a bit.


"shut up...."

He then kissed me. He pulled away and laughed a bit.


Geno's pov

Yep i loved the guy. Why did i kiss him? i have no idea. But i was happy. So it didn't matter. Plus the expression on reapers face was priceless.

"So yes then?"

"i don't know you tell me."

He just smiled and kissed me again. and i kissed back.


I got the happy fuzzys inside writing this. I don't know why. Oh and the Underlust comments reaper made do not reflect on me. I do not hate or shun the AU. In fact, and i'm being completely honest, i like the AU. Yes call me gross or stupid. I don't care. People really shouldn't judge people for there interests.... I mean seriously. most of us are sinners anyway. underlust is like the sinners AU.

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