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"What was in this training?"

"Speaking to an old merchant."


We walked into a testing lab, it was larger than the ones down from the common room.

We were greeted by Selina and Sarah, between the two, was the old merchant lady who had sold me the mirror.

"Good morning everyone, hope you had a good night's sleep, it is now time to begin your training."

"Science, believe it or not, isn't the answer to everything, you are the key to finding the answer and we only have today to do so, meet your trainer, Madam Taneira."

The old merchant step forward, looking at all of us, studying us all.

"You there, with the-"



"Someone new?"

"Yeah, someone new who I wish never found Eclipse."

"Which is?"

"Dusten Evans, Liam's older brother."

"Do tell."

"Sporting jet black hair and brown eyes with the bad boy clothing, on the inside, he's quite the opposite. Dusten is a hard worker and loyal to a fault, which was what probably caused him to search for us. He holds those he loves close to him dearly and would do anything for them."

"Sounds like a very lovely friend to have around."

"How he found Eclipse is beyond me, but truly, I was over joyed he came along."


"I have been looking everywhere for you people!"

Dusten was clearly angry, storming into the place with a baseball bat in hand and two large security guards running in from behind, trying to catch him.


Liam ran over to his brother. Helping to ward off the two bulky men.

Soon after everyone else ran to help them, pushing away the security guards, fighting and suddenly, we heard Selina yell.


Selina threw her heavy clipboard onto the ground, causing silence and fear to emanate from us all.

"Okay, thank you for stopping the fighting Selina, now please introduce this boy to us."

"No, he shall be escorted out immediately."

"Would it hurt you to be nice?!"

"Would it hurt you to be more serious?!"

Selina and Sarah had begun to fight between themselves, the guards slowly helped everyone up to their feet, checking if everyone was okay.




The guards went to stop the fighting, one guard picked up Selina and started walking off with her, the other doing the same with Sarah.

Selina demanding the guard to release her immediately, pounding fists onto his back but the guard was stern and kept walking until they left the room.

The Super Squad (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now