Love vs Beauty

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"So you were introduced to Caio's power and his friend, Aquarius."

"Last thing I expected from his was summoning people. I expected him to control water."

"Why is that?"

"One, he loves water. Two, since Krystal has ice it would make sense for her twin to have a similar power and all, but I guess that changes..."

"How so?"

"'ll learn."

"Right. Well go on."

"Just when we all met Aquarius we were called out to go on another mission. Specifically-"

"Dusten, Auria and Valentina?"

"Yup. They picked us up in a chopper, got us in the carrier and gave us our jumpsuits. When we were in there I got sent to the back with Dusten. The large boxes divided us from the girls and each other."

"Doesn't sound well managed in the carrier."

"It does have to carry a lot of medical supplies for us I guess...anyway on our walk down to the boxes..."


"So how's life treating you on Eclipse, lil Stirling?"
"I'm fine. Liam's had it bad."
"Oh yeah? He looks fine to me."

As much as he was trying to convince himself that what he was saying was true, I could still feel his worry. The same type of worry I get from Caio and Krystal. The type of worrying your mother feels when she watches you get a bruise and couldn't be there to stop you in time.

"He's been through worse....we both have."
"Still kicked out huh?"
"Yeah...mum had it bad on us. I'm just happy she let Liam back in. I'm still out on the street though."
"Let me guess.....The park five minutes down from ours? We heard something about clothes for a teenager being left in a bag in a tree."
"Damn...I needed those clothes as well."

We both laughed as we separated and started building a fort of boxes between ourselves and the girls. I was too cold in the carrier, after all I was only wearing my swimming trunks.

Mid-way through putting on the jumpsuit, Dusten spoke up again.

"So how's things with Val?"

I peeked over the boxes to see Auria and Valentina with towels wrapped around them as they froze on the bench.

"Terrible. She still acts like I haven't asked her a million times, which is cool, but she won't let me try. Guess it's hard to compete."

Dusten also happened to be one of Val's ex-boyfriends. They had a pretty happy relationship but when Val started talking to her current boyfriend, Dusten and Val had a big falling out.

"Hey! She cheated on me first."
"Elli, Bianca, Tiana. You cheated on her with them in the first month."
"That was before I even started dating her. She knew that but she still went behind my back."
"Bro, I'm just saying. It's a shitty situation, I don't know what's going on with you guys and I don't know what happened. I'm not against either of you."

He stayed silent on his side of the boxes. I managed to put the rest of the jumpsuit on and Dusten walked around.

"Can you get the zipper on the back for me?"

I nodded and he turned around. I grabbed the zipper and pushed his bare back forward so I wouldn't get any skin caught. He did the same for me.

We walked back over to the girls.

"But sadly for her, my double chin was bigger than her boobs."

The girls were laughing at one of Val's infamous jokes.

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