Trouble Unfolds

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"If that is your wish."

She swung her arm forward and the paper from her arm detached and flew towards us.


Kani reacted quickly to my command and jumped in front of Fraser and I, screaming towards the Geisha, the paper dropping in mid-air.

"Troublesome children."

There was still paper swirling around her and before we could react it started folding itself into random animal shapes. It was mesmerizing watching all the paper crease and fold.

"It is truly amazing what practice can do, is it not?"

The paper took on shapes of small birds and flew toward us.


We all jumped out of the way of the paper bird swarm. We ran down the corner that we hid behind before.

"Talk about power in numbers."
"I can't do anything without nature and we're stuck here in a concrete jungle."
"We're gonna have to come up with something. Play distraction while I think."

Kani and Fraser ran out, leaving me behind the corner and fairly safe from harm.

The three main things that I need the most...Open Space, Water, and Nature.

The street works for space but the risk of civilians getting injured is too high...the docks could work.....fewer people and the ocean....still too much concrete though.....

I looked over at a bus in the street and see it pulling over.....pull over....parking.....park.

I ran out of the alleyway into the crowd of people, no one had noticed the battle ensuing which I was glad about. I pulled a person over and asked Selina in my ear to turn the translator on.

"Is there a park nearby?"
"Yes, just down the street, take the first corner to the right and the park will be on your left side."

I bowed, thanked the person and ran down the alley way. Fraser was thrown against the wall to my right and ran back into battle. I looked around the corner watching the two nimbly fight together against the paper suited Geisha. Kani screaming at her and Fraser using a trash can lid to defend against the paper and swing at the Geisha

I ran. Dodging through paper ninja stars, only getting cut once or twice. It felt like forever but I kept running. A giant wall of paper blocked me from the Geisha but Kani was quick to react and screamed the wall down.

The Geisha created a platform beneath her as Kani stood at the bottom.


Fraser turned and immediately knew what to do. He dropped on one knee and lifted the lid to the sky. Once I was on, he pushed up and I jumped off the lid, landing on the Geisha's platform.

"What is it you want with me child? This is my selfless devotion and I will not allow anyone to stand before me!"
"If you think your devotion is so great...I bet you can't catch me."

I smiled childishly at her and she looked back confused.

"Excuse me?"
"You heard me...better keep up!"

I yelled the last part while I slid down the wall of paper, my hands getting a few cuts on the way. When my feet touched the ground I just ran, I didn't check to see if the Geisha, Kani or Fraser were behind me. I kept on running.

When I entered the street, I could see people turn and hear screaming from behind. I looked down and saw the giant shadow of a weird shape.

Following the directions, I was able to find the park. I turned to see the Geisha standing on a giant origami dragon.

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