A Place For No One

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"You were disappointed at Dusten?"

"Myself. I wasn't there. He was alone, outside and defenceless. He was getting dressed and I just left him there."

The tears were pushing I could feel them pushing. Just like when we met Hermit. The tears were pushing but I didn't stop pushing back.

"He's brave your brother. He wouldn't give up without a fight."

Those words echoed in my head. They started echoing and echoing but they only grew louder.

"That's exactly the same as him."

"Excuse me?"

"Hermit. He said those exact words."

"You mean he said-"

"Yup. He said it."


"He'a brave your brother. He wouldn't give up without a fight. I came along looking like the sergeant and the attackers scattered."
"You saved him?"

I looked back up as Hermit changed. He became a woman in her mid-thirties, she looked a little like Selina but not as happy.

"Of course, no one else was going to save him. You two were too busy flirting to do anything."
"Could you stick to one face? It's kind of creepy."
"Judgements already. Fine. This one."

She spun the cloak around herself before going back to the fresh college boy face. He had short and trimmed blonde hair. A large build and brown eyes. He was tall, almost as tall as a door but not quite.

"What's with this place?"
"It's my home. I live here, have for the past few million years."
"Few million?"
"Yup. I'm probably the oldest thing you've ever met. Besides ol' eclipse here."
"How have you managed to stay here? Does Eclipse know? What's special about this place?"

I listened as Auria gave question after question. I was finished with Dusten and started looking around, searching the walls and the floors, even going through the rubble. As I was looking I was listening to their conversation.

"I've managed to stay here because no one knows it's here. You're the first people to find it besides me self. It comes to those with powers."

The walls were rusty, nothing special about them. The etching's you were talking about. There were none there and Taylar never went there according to Hermit as he never leaves the factory.

"How long have you been here?"
"Only for the last three hundred years. Use to work here until the collision."
"The collision?"

Hermit went silent. He looked up into the sky through the holes in the roof. He sat down on the floor, still looking up.

"This place was the old Eclipse. It messed with human beings and magic. I was one of the head scientists and also looked after the subjects."
"Like Sarah."

He smiled.

"Just like little Sarah. One day I was taking the new instalment of subjects around on a tour. That just happened to be the same day they were experimenting on fusing two pure power sources together. They hadn't even open the containers and the two fused. It was beautiful, like seeing your whole life flash in front of your eyes but without dying. The colours, the lights, the sounds. Slowly everything started fading, as of everything became nothing and nothing became everything. Time was nothing. Emotion was nothing. Life was nothing."

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