What Once Was Mine

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"Now, Mr. Evans, I am aware to the fact that you took the longest to recover that the rest of your friends. Is that true?"


"Why is that?"

"Taneira said something about my power developing. I don't really know."


I watched as she penned down word after word, never letting her pen leave the page.

"Now, I am also aware that...."

She sat silently for a moment. Spinning the pen around her fingers of her right hand while her left hand was drumming on the wooden table.

"The girl....Taylar Azzara...she suffered..."

"She died.....yeah. That wasn't her finest hour."

"You were the only one there during that time, I must know what happened to Taylar Azzara."

It was then when I noticed she didn't look up at me once during this whole interview.

"Why do you need to know about Taylar?"

"She...uh....she has no recollection of what happened exactly and no one else was there but you, as I have already said, so please.....tell me."



I watched as three nurses  ran to the door, opening them for two large men who were carrying a stretcher with Taylar laying unconscious, and with a large shard of glass sticking out of her head.

They placed her in the bed next to me, and all I could see was the color of her eyes. They were pale, her beautiful sea green eyes, were now gone.

Sarah came by, standing in my way so I wouldn't see Taylar as the doctors attempted to help her.

"Can you move?"

I took that as a sign to get up. The pain in my ribs was unbearable and my head was pounding like a jackhammer against concrete, each thud making it even more painful just to sit up.

"Take your time."

Sarah wrapped my left arm around her, helping me up. I sat up, everything around me felt like it was spinning. I couldn't see Taylar anymore, they had drawn the curtain to separate us.

"How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine...uh....what happened to..."
"Miss Azzara during training she uh....well she.....there's no easy way to say this."

"Then just say it."

Sarah looked like she was trying to keep herself occupied, removing my bandages, cleaning my wounds and redressing them.

"What happened to Taylar?"


"I won't say it didn't hurt me when Sarah told me what happened. She tried to keep her mind off of it but with all the doctors yelling at each other on the other side of the curtain. It was practically impossible."

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