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"So Ms. Perez, please tell me what happened during your training session after coming back to Eclipse."

"Oh that, it was like a week or something later, after everyone finally got out of the infirmary."

"So there wasn't severe pain?"

"Well, when I say everyone I mean Liam, he took a week to get out."

"Why is that?"

"I dunno, the class clown can manage to walk through a wood chipper but can't get up from a punch? Whatever."

" training session."

"Oh yeah, so we went back to somewhere on Eclipse island and we trained, during the night maybe around 9pm-ish. It was in this real foresty part, like going on a bushwalk. We didn't all go together, I was with Adriana, Fraser, and Taylar."

"Do you recall the other teams?"

"Uhmm.....I think Flint and Liam and uh....Auria and Dusten were in one team and the siblings were in one team...except for Aaron who was in the other team with Val and Violet."

"Thank you for that information. Now please, continue."


Madam Taneira was ahead of us, walking at a steady pace, while all of us back here were too tired to keep going.

" we.....going?"

Fraser tried to speak through his frantic breathing pattern.

"Oh? Are we meant to stop? I thought you were taking in the sights, should've said something earlier."

"You mean...we've been....walking...aimlessly fo....for an hour for nothing?!"

"What do you mean? Eclipse is right there."

She grabbed a nearby branch to reveal the facility to Fraser, less than a kilometre away from us.

"Eclipse isn't a very big island, Plant child, learn that. You can walk in one direction but still end up back at the facility."
"How does that work? If I walk straight then won't I end up at the edge."
"You can manipulate the earth and you're wondering how Eclipse island works? Ever wondered why no one can find it? Why it exists on no maps?"
"I had no idea money was magical."

Fraser looked defeated by all of Madam Taneira's rebuttals and retorts that he just gave up.

Taneira gave a slight chuckle.

"I do apologize. I will admit, I am not so use to human connection."


"What is that suppose to mean?"

"I dunno, she really was crazy but I didn't mind her. It was funny when she'd make fun of people."

"She did this often?"

"To us? No, barely ever, to the scientists? A lot."

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