A Place For Us

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"Hello again, Liam. How is everything since the last time I saw you?"

"I've been all good. Little exercise, little world saving."

"Is that a casual day?"

"There's mostly more bones to repair but yeah, casual as can be."

"You're like a part-time medic?"

"Not really, when I go out with the other two I do the healing while they fight but I don't get bad. The hero gig comes with free food, beds, water. It's not that bad."

"The news started to die down after the collision. I don't think anyone knows what happens to your lives. Well except for those of you who continue to be the heroes."

"Yeah. The collision was a pretty hard hitter three years ago. A lot has happened since then but I guess things are for the better or how it should've gone down."

"Anyway....enough of the collision, I already know what I need to know about it. Apparently you found something with your brother, Dusten, and friend, Auria?"

"Auria and Dusten went through Eclipse and called me when they found something interesting. An old factory."

"Factory? Is this the one Taylar Azzara found with Violet and Fraser?"

"She found it too? Wow, so I guess you already know about the hermit."

"Hang on. Hermit? I thought the factory had drawings along the walls?"

"Why would there be drawings in the walls?"

"They were etched into the sides, outline with chalk and then cut into the metal."

"No.....there was nothing. Are you sure it's the same factory?"

The interviewer looked through her previous papers, confusion struck her face.

"Miss Azzara said 'There's a pretty over-bearing hill on Eclipse and the factory is at the foot of it."

"Thats the exact same one."

"There are no other abandoned factories on Eclipse?"

"Nope. Sarah even told us about the factory after we got back from it and she said it's the only other one....well....after lecturing us to be safe around old, rundown, unstable, rusty abandoned factories."

"Sounds like her........Please, tell me."

"It was 11 at night when Dusten and Auria went to go for a walk outside, without talking to Sarah or Selina either. They had been gone for an hour, I opened the door to my room when I got a call from Dusten."


"An abandoned factory?"
"Yes, bring a couple flashlights with you."
"Why do I have to come?"
"Because if we hurt ourselves, you can repair the damage. Now hurry up and get your ass down here, bring a couple jackets. This one's complaining about the cold."

I could hear a distant voice scream at my older brother over the phone.

"Could've worn one that goes below the knees then."
"Fine fine. I'll bring the shit, give me like fifteen minutes."

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