One Week Eclipse (2 of 2)

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"Not necessarily, Caio has a high amount of energy emanating from him."

"Your point, doctor."

"The readings, the energy levels we have recorded from the tear, they are exactly the same as the energy levels recorded from Caio Stirling."

"You people haven't even done any testing, just letting them be kids."

"Sir, they need to be looked after properly, one small slip and-"

"And nothing Lee, they are not children, they are weapons."

With that, the general left, leaving the room in an awkward silence.

"Caio, what are they talking about?"

Val looked at me

"I don't know."

Selina stood up.

"People, despite what the general says, I trust in Dr. Lee that these kids need human contact and we need to keep them happy, Caio is the centre of this group and if these kids become unhappy, we have no idea what could happen, especially since we still have not unlocked these abilities."


"Oi shut up, I can't hear them."

"You shut up Flint."

"Nah, you shut up."

"Both of you shut up before they hear us."

I half-whispered half-yelled at Valentina and Flint

"Kid must have really scared you Sel, looks like our tiger lady ain't all she seems to be."

Selina looked toward the big and burly security guard, fire in her eyes.

"Say that one more time and I will tear you limb from limb, rip out your heart and shove it down your throat while beating your face into a pulp using my stilettos."

A shiver went down my spine as the guard lowered his hat over his eyes and looked to the ground.

"I will plan for a private plane to take the children to the nearest city, we will supply them with $500 each and Sarah, you will be taking care of them, good night everybody."

Everyone took their seats and left, the lights turning off leaving us in darkness.

"Oh shit."

We heard glass break behind us.


"Fraser? What are you doing here?"

"Hey, don't forget about this beautiful bitch."

Kani's voice appearing from the darkness.

"Sorry, didn't notice you there, too black."

I grabbed my phone, turning the flashlight on

Everyone was here all except Aaron and Jade.

"Where have my little brothers gone?"

"Caio! Over here!"

I saw the misfits.

Jade was on a computer screen and he was tapping away on the keys, the expert of technology of the Stirling Siblings and it wasn't long until the lights came back on to reveal that not only did Kani and Fraser followed us but I saw as all thirteen of us were in the same room.

"Why are you all here?"

"We wanted to see why you were all sneaking out after curfew."

"There's nothing to see, go back."

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