To be, Not me

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"So as far as I'm aware. You just came up with names?"

"Originally they were code names for any missions that might need them like....uh...pepsi...on...age.....that doesn't sound right."

"Espionage? Why would you need to do espionage missions?"

"Arcadians would set up bases in our dimensions."

"I heard they found it difficult to exist if they had a counterpart in this world."

"They've been preparing for a while. They have one these things."

I opened the locket around my neck that Flint gave me and took out the microchip.

"These were made with technology from both Arcadia and here, put this inside a forcefield projector and you can stay here for years on end."

"I'm confused. Why wouldn't they move here and hide out?"

"There's no where big enough for a dimension's worth of people and that's no way to live and these things malfunction after too long but would you live in a forcefield all your life? Knowing you would die if you left?"

"No...I suppose not. What is the population of Arcadia?"

"One billion."

"One billion? That's 86% of their world gone."

"So you can see why they wanted to transfer but it wasn't just so that one billion could save themselves, it was so they could save all seven billion."

"How so?"

"They had a legend which caused them to start attacking us. If they were able to fully transfer all those who were alive with people from another dimension, they would be able to transfer all memories of deceased Arcadians to their living counterparts."

"I always thought if your counterpart died in one dimension then you yourself would die."

"I don't know what happened there. Kid only gave us as much information as he could and I was never bothered with really learning their story."


"Yeah...remember? The kid that turned into a dragon monster thing as well as Rain."

"The girl who summoned golems."


"How are they able to be contained?"

"It was sad but we put them in the confinement chambers. Eclipse was equipped and ready, the confinement chambers were a place they were each fitted with these micro-chips which provided forcefields for each room."

"So tell me why these won't malfunction."

"Uhmm....what did Violet say?.......oh Surface area, the more surface area the more difficult it would be for the forcefield to remain but because the confinement chambers only need small forcefields, they're stable."

"Very confusing but I think I understand."

"I'm no good at the sciencey stuff but you pick some stuff up when you get stuck doing experiments with Violet in the labs."

I put the micro-chip back into my locket and looked at the photo on the left side.

"Are you alright there?"

"Uh..yeah fine."

I closed the locket.

"There's your dimension lesson for today."

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