Dark Waters

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"Wait. You went into the field without full knowledge of your powers?!"

"I didn't understand it either but they needed us to go so we left."

"What happened?"

"We were escorted to our rooms by two big guys in uniforms, followed by Selina, Sarah, and Madame Taneira."

I felt the ringing of the sirens echoing in my ears, the red flashing of the building around us.


"Okay! Everyone! Do not panic! Apologies for cutting training short but we need you to swipe your doors using your bracelets."

We all approached our doors and just how we would open and close the doors, we swiped our bracelets in front if it.

The doors glowed an ominous green and I could hear the sound of machinery working inside the walls.

The doors fell into the ground and a pod appeared in its place.

"Now! Into your pods!"

I climbed in. The glass door sliding around the pod and before I had any time to register what was happening.

I felt myself falling, sounds of machines all around me.

I fell into a large carrier plane, the ones usually used to carry tanks for the military and such.

I looked down at my outfit, no longer was I wearing my t-shirt and chino pants, I was wearing an orange jumpsuit, looking around, everyone else had the same jumpsuit on.

"This is our carrier children, now, pick a seat and buckle up, we will be there in a matter of minutes."
"Where are we going?"
"San Francisco."


"Sounds pretty intense."

"It was, after what felt like a matter of minutes, we were landing, the large ramp door opened, and I saw the city, it was much larger than I could ever have imagined."

"Where was your first enemy?"

"Well, there was a whole horde of them, they were all humans like is but possessed weird and crazy powers, I was sent with Adriana to find a young girl who managed to make living creatures out of inanimate objects."

"Such as?"

"Rock, metal, water, anything."

I saw a large rock golem, running around, destroying buildings and terrorizing citizens and on top was a girl with bright orange straight hair, wearing a long blue dress and white gloves.


She was yelling at the top her lungs, however, I could hear something off about her boasting.

The golem picked up a car and threw it toward Adriana and I.

I grabbed Adriana's hand and ran into a nearby alleyway

"Adriana....what the fuck do we do?! This is insane!"
"I don't know, I have no idea about my powers!"
"Well, try something!"
"Like what?!"
"Try moving them or something? The shadows?"

Adriana calmed down and took long deep breaths.

I watched as her hands begun to, on their own, move and dance about, almost as if practiced.

The shadows in front of us had begun taking shape and there it was, a solid shadow.

"How did you......?"
"I don't know, you try."
"I don't know the first thing about my ability."

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