Vocaloid Y/n is Now Available

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   "Can you hear me?" You heard a voice, you didn't open your eyes as you didn't feel a need to.
"Yes..." You responded. You moved your left arm and right leg. They were working just fine.
"Great. What's your name?"
"I am Y/n."
"Great. She's good. Can you open your eyes?"
You opened your eyes and looked around. The first thing you spotted was a blue/ green haired girl with long twin tails running towards you. She tackled you to the soft ground and gave you a large smile. "Hello! I am Hatsune Miku! Welcome new friend!"
You were shocked by the new woman who came from nowhere. "Hi, I'm Y/n. I'm a newer vocaloid." You said. She crawled off of you and you sat up.
She wore an outfit that looked similar to yours. Your skirt and shirt had a f/c trimming instead of her blue/ green trimming. Her headset had a pink light whereas yours has a dark blue. You had a F/c tie and a black bow on your right leg, left arm and on your neck/ to the side of your head.(Whichever you prefer)

Your hair was tied in one ponytail (Or left alone if its too short for that) and your eyes were a beautiful shade of e/c.
"Come with me to our home." Miku said extending her arm out for you to take. You took it gratefully and nodded.
She lead you off and you took some time to really look at your surroundings. You were in a large green field with many flowers scattered here and there.
Eventually you two reached a large mansion and Miku took out a blue key. She quickly unlocked the large door and held it open for you. You entered and looked around. This place was so... fancy? Well, it would take you a long time to find the correct words.
Miku took out her phone and said, "Oh my. It seems its lunch. Come with me everyone should be in the dining room!"
She lead you through a couple of hallways until you reached the dining room where there were many people sitting at the table. A girl in a red skirt with dark brown hair was passing out plates to everybody. She looked up when the doors were opened.
The brown haired woman smiled at you and walked over. "Hello there! You must be the new vocaloid, Y/n! Nice to meet you I'm Meiko! Also known as the head of this estate." She extended a hand out to you.
"Nice to meet you too Meiko." You responded giving her a firm handshake.
"I assume you must be hungry. Here, have a seat- oh!" Meiko looked at the table and counted the open seats. "Dear I forgot. You weren't expected to be here for another week. There aren't enough chairs.... Kaito!"
A blue haired male who looked like he was busy colouring looked up at her. "Can you grab Y/n a chair please? There should be an extra in one of the closets." Meiko said.
Kaito nodded and stood leaving to go get your chair. He looked for about five minutes and Meiko face palmed. "Why did I trust that idiot."
"Ms. Meiko?" A small blond boy wearing a sailor's suit and a bandage around his eye tapped Meiko on the shoulder. "I know where the chairs are. I'll go get Ms. Y/n a chair."
"Oh Oliver." Meiko said patting the small boys head. "Your such a dear! If you wish you you may get Ms. Y/n a chair."
His eye shone and he ran off. He came back a short while later with a chair for you and placed it next to a blond girl with a white bow. Kaito was called back and yelled at by Meiko for being useless and stupid.
You took a seat next to the girl with blond hair. She smiled at you. "Hello! I'm Kagamine Rin! And this is my brother, Kagamine Len!" She said patting her brother's back.
The boy looked at you and blushed furiously. He then continued to eat his dinner.
"Oh Len!" Rin said. "Don't be so rude!"
"Hi." Len said before scooting his chair away a bit and continuing to eat.
"Don't worry about it Y/n." Rin said. "He'll open up to you in a bit! I'm sure"

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