A Totally Not Late Valentine's Day Special, With Len Kagamine!

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        Well today was the day. The day before chocolate would go on sale for lonely people like you! Time to Jam out to your playlist titled "sOmEOnE HELP MEH I'M LoNeLy!" and cry about no one loving  you. Wait how did you know that this was your first Valentine's day? Yup that's right folks you were programmed to be lonely! How you know your creator truly loved you. Yes, you were created to be lonely, but not destined to be. Little did you know a set of twins were standing outside your door.

"What are you!?!?" Shouted Rin, preparing her brother.

"Len Kagamine..." Len said dazed.

Rin slapped her twin. "I SAID WHAT ARE YOU!?!"

"Oh...! Yeah we did this yesterday! A man!"


"I'm gonna ask Y/n out on a date!"




"Wait... we didn't study that far... Hold on..." Len googled where to take your girlfriend on Valentine's day. "A hotel." He shrugged.

"Well that quick eh? I have a naughty little brother I see..."Rin giggled.

Len blushed. "Uh... No never mind! A restaurant?"

"That's a bit more appropriate..." Rin chan stated. "Kay get in there tiger!"

Len walked into your room. You were listening to your playlist and singing along when Len approached you. "Hey um, Y/n?" Len asked.

You glared at him as he entered."Look I already know what you're gonna say. And no. You can leave now!" You said to him.

The poor blonde boy stood there for a moment. You couldn't tell but tears were pooling up in his eyes. He dashed out your room and past his sister.

Rin watched him dash off to their room and followed him. She watched as he threw himself on the bed and cried.

"Well then..." Rin said taking a seat beside her brother. "Len what happened in there? Are these tears of joy?"

Len curled up with his pillow. "Leave me alone! I don't wanna talk about it!"

Rin fixed her mouth to say something but instead opted out. "When you wanna talk come to me."

Miku stood in front of your door. "What in the world just happened?" All she had seen was Rin chasing after a crying Len. She knocked on your door and you allow her permission to enter.

"Hmm?" You questioned why Miku needed you. 

"Why was Rin chasing after Len?" She asked sitting beside you.

"I dunno. All I know is he was going to ask me if I had a Valentine and I said no and he left." You shrugged.

"Huh. That's strange, Y/n." Miku said. "Should I go and talk to the twins?"  And then Miku realized what had happened. And put on a mischievous smile. She could get you to go out with Kaito if Len thought you didn't want to date him. She let out a small, evil, giggle. "Y/n, by the way... Kaito wants to be your Valentine!"

You turned a bright red "R-really!?!" You tried to calm yourself down but you couldn't.

"Yeah. He told me to tell you to meet him in Town Square, by the ice cream parlour! 1:00 sharp! I think you should wear something cute for him Y/n, how about this?" She offered you an outfit like hers but with a light pink trim, so basically you were gonna look like Aunt Teto.

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