Meiko had called to tell you that they wouldn't be back for a while, for the storm kept them from coming back. Good because that gave you time to think about an excuse for Len.
While Len should've been either upset or sad about his broken leg, he was actually quite happy.
Why was Len happy? Well because of his broken leg, he couldn't move, so he used this as an excuse to take up the whole couch and play video games all day. This also meant he couldn't do his chores, so this was basically heaven!
If anyone else wanted to use the TV Len would say, "I'm sorry you can't because I'm dying and I need something to keep me entertained on my final days." And if they persisted, Len would shout your name and tell you so and so was being rude to him. Of course, because you felt bad for Len, you would always tell them off and make them go do something else.
And you were tiring of his antiques, sure, you loved the boy to death, but he was abusing his broken leg! You walked into the room and stood by the TV. The boy looked up at you and continued to play his game and drink his milkshake.
"Len." You grabbed his attention.
"Oh, are you here to refill my drink?" Len asked, paying you very little attention.
You turned the television off. "Look at me, Len."
"Maybe I don't want to." Len said.
"Len, listen, you can't do whatever you want whenever you want just because you have a broken leg."
"Why can't I?"
"It's not morally correct." You shrugged.
"You know what else is not morally correct? Letting little children run outside in the rain! Did you ever think about that? Maybe, I should call Luka and tell her all about how I broke my leg!" He threatened to call Luka because he knew she, unlike Meiko, was most likely sober. Unless you could get drunk off tuna.
"No!" You dropped to your knees. They would never trust you again if he told them! "Please Len! I beg of you..."
Len's phone was already in his hand and he was searching for Luka's number in his contacts. He called her and pressed the phone to his ear.
"Len, please!"
"Oh hello Luka! Oh yeah I had something I needed to tell you."
"Len! I will do whatever you want!" You whisper yelled.
"Hmm..." Len put the phone on mute. "Anything? Fine. You remember that." He took the phone off mute and began to speak. "I was just calling to say that before you come back, please buy some crunchy peanut butter... Why? Because I want it!.... Yes I know Rin doesn't like it but earlier today I was eating a peanut butter and banana sandwich and I thought 'You know what would make this better, peanuts in the peanut butter.'... YES I KNOW ALL PEANUT BUTTER HAS PEANUTS IN IT! Just get the damn crunchy peanut butter!" And Len hung up. "So Y/n~" Len said in a sickly sweet voice. "You said anything? Well, I remember you said you were supposed to be a doctor, correct? Then why don't we call what your about to do a special medical treatment? Ufufufufufu!~" (For some reason, I kinda laugh like that, and that is how I imagine Len laughing.)
"Nope!" You threw your hands up. "Nope nope nope nope nope! You can call Luka and tell her if you want, I am not doing that! You disgusting, filthy boy!" You began to leave the room.
"No no! Y/n! I wouldn't do that to you! I mean, unless you wanted to..."
"LEN!" Rin ran downstairs to punch her brother in the face. "Y/n is innocent!" And she went back upstairs.
"But seriously Y/n, that's not what I want." Len said pinching his now bloody nose.
"Mhmm..." You nodded. "Sure."
"Fine then I'll call Luka."
"No please no!" You ran toward him and got back on your knees.
You sighed as you placed another banana crisp into Len's mouth. The only reason you were doing this was because Len threatened you, this was no fair! Was he always like this? But he was so cute... Such an adorable little shota... Wait what!? No no, he wasn't adorable, what are you thinking? You shook your head. Get those thoughts out of your head, Y/n. You thought to yourself.
You began to clear your mind and think about unicorns. Unicorns, so pretty unicorns. I love Len- no I love unicorns... And maybe Len too. Yeah, it was true and now you couldn't deny it. You did kinda love Len. Sure, he may have been a brat ever since the day you met him but he was cute. And at times he was a good person.
"Hello!" Called Len. "Earth to Y/n!"
"Huh?" You slightly jumped.
"I've been telling you to give me some of my milkshake! What the hell Y/n? And why is your face red? Are you sick?" Len asked, he tried to hide the concern in his voice, but he failed and it could very slightly be heard. See? Len could be a good person.
"Oh... Sorry..." You picked up the milkshake and placed the straw in his mouth. "I'm fine. Sorry to make you worry."
"Well," Len said. "You were staring directly at me and your face was red, you sure you okay?"
"Yeah... I was just worried... About dinner..." You said. "It might be burning."
"Well then you should go check." Len shrugged.
"Y-Yeah..." You got up and went to go check on (Favourite meal). Since they all couldn't decide on one meal you chose for them. Miku was standing in the kitchen with Rin, they were waiting for you.
"Y/n's got a crush~!" Rin teased.
"Wh-What!? No I don't!" You slightly jumped and you did everything in your power to not blush.
"Mmhmmm~" Said Miku. "Tell me, if I do this who does it remind you of?" Miku tied Rin's hair in a ponytail and slightly messed it up.
Who knew that was all it could take to make the twins look like each other! And who knew that was all it took to make your face turn a light pink! Of course, you forced it away immediately. "It reminds me of Len." You said. "Can you please get out of my way? I need to check on dinner."
"You can check on dinner once you admit it!" Rin said.
"Well, I'm not admitting something that's not true."
"Miku! Get the photos!" Rin yelled.
"Hai!" Miku pulled out her phone.
"We can change these photos and make them work in out favour." Rin said showing you the image of you picking Len up to carry him inside. Then she showed you one she took a few minutes ago, with you feeding Len banana flavoured ice cream. Then the one she took when you arrived with you cuddling Len.
"Which one's your favourite, Miku?" Rin asked. "I personally liked the one where Y/n picked Len up. Who knows what we can make that look like! Ufufufufufufu~!"
"I like the one of him cuddling her. We can make that into something lovely too~!" Miku and Rin shared an evil laugh.
"So what'll it be Y/n? Will you admit your crush or will I have to black mail you?" Rin said, an evil smirk plastered on that damn face of hers.
"Fine!" You spat. "I'll admit it! I kinda do like Len, okay!?"
"Ohhhhhhh~!" Miku chanted. "I knew it! But it seems like we've got a love triangle on our hands now~!"
"Can we tell you a secret, Y/n? Keep it real, girl to girl?" Rin asked.
Could you even trust these girls to 'keep it real'? They literally were threatening to black mail you five seconds ago. But a little gossip can't hurt so why not? "Sure." You shrugged.
"A little birdie told me Len-chan has got a crush on you~!" Rin squealed.
"And I heard Kaito's in love too~!" Miku fangirled. "Omg you and Kaito are my OTP~!"
"Um excuse me!? You're interfering with my OTP!" Rin said. "Y/n x Len~! That's why his name is first in the title!"
"Rin! Don't break the forth wall!" You shouted. "Now move I need to check on dinner."
"No you don't~" Rin cooed. "We'll handle dinner for you just go spend some time with your future hubby~!"
"W-What?" Before you could complain you were pushed out the kitchen. You sighed and went back into the living room of the large house. Kaito and Oliver had come downstairs to join Len. "Hey boys." You said before returning to Len to give him his "Special medical treatment"
A/n - I'm sorry it took a while but Quotev was being stupid and it deleted my chapter when I was almost done! Don't worry, I'll try and make sure it doesn't happen again, I'll try to be as on time as possible. Alright bye bye my lovelies~! (Also Rin and Miku will release the pictures later, not in the next chapter, but when they do, let me tell you you'll have a hell of a ride!)