An Amazing First Day!

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   Your eyes fluttered open and you awoke to the sound of giggles of a small girl and the sound of a camera snapping. The first thing you saw was Len's pajamas right in front of your face. But you were wearing his.... oh my... You struggled to get out of the bed but you were wrapped tightly in Len's arms.
You tossed and turned and fought but his grip just tightened on you. Rin cackled evilly as she snapped another picture. "I should've told you he likes to cuddle when he sleeps."
You blushed madly and continued to try and find freedom. "Please!" You called out, "Help me!"
Rin shook her head. "No can do Y/n-chan. Love ya, but not that much. Now I gotta go get breakfast, if you don't come down by the time I'm done, I'll either assume you dead, or bring you breakfast, bye bye now!"
~~~Timeskip of cuddles!~~
You had been trying to wake Len up for about an hour and he wasn't even responding. That's when you heard a knock on the door. You considered screaming for help but you didn't wanna get anyone charged with rape.
"Len," You heard Meiko's voice outside the door. "You weren't on time for breakfast, you okay?"
"Nnghh." Len flipped over, practically throwing you on the opposite side of the bed. You were still locked tight in his arms and basically dying from a lack of oxygen.
"Len. I'm gonna give you five seconds to open the door or I'll come in." Meiko said. She then counted to five slowly before unlocking the door and kicking it down.
She was standing there in all there glory holding a key, most likely the one she used to unlock and kick down the door, and little Oliver stood behind her, clutching onto her leg like a child would a mother when he was afraid. Also with her was Kaito and Miku, Miku happily munching on a leek and Kaito eating his ice cream eagerly.
Meiko looked at you, you covered yourself with the blanket as she looked at you and gave a smile. "Aww, well Y/n, had I known you were spending time with your new boyfriend I would've left you two alone."
Oliver was shocked by what Meiko said and tugged on her skirt to get her attention. She looked down at him and he said, "Y/n-chan and Len-kun are dating? I don't want them to..."
"Aww," Meiko said picking the twelve year old boy up. "Oliver you still act like a child though your almost a teen, how do you manage? But you're still so adorable. Why wouldn't you want Len and Y/n to go out?"
"B-Because..." He thought of a good lie. "If he loves Y/n he won't spend time with me no more. And I love big brother Len."
"Mind you he's not your real brother, and he'd never stop spending time with you. Now someone wake Len up it seems like Y/n is suffocating."
Kaito walked over to the bed and said, "Wake up Len!" With a dramatic wave of his hands as if he was casting a magic spell.
For the first time it what seemed liked years, the blond boy opened his eyes. He looked around then at you. He then looked at Kaito and the others, then back at you. This went on for about a solid three minutes.
Len slowly took his arms from around you, finally allowing you some air, as he stared directly at the others. No one said a word, no one moved aside from Len, and the awkward silence lived on. All that could be heard throughout the house was the breathing of all of you vocaloids.
The silence was assassinated by Len when he said, "Nobody saw anything because nothing happened." Before climbing out of bed to go eat some bananas.
Meiko cleared her throat. "Well then, who would like to give Y/n a tour of the town?"
Oliver's hand went up and so did Kaito's, Miku's as well.
"I suppose you can all escort her then." Meiko said waving her hand dismissively. "I'm going to get some sake."
"Isn't it too early for sake?" Miku asked.
Meiko gave the leek loving girl a cold glare, "It is never too early for sake." She hissed before briskly walking off.
"Come on Y/n-chan!" Kaito said pulling you out of bed. "I wanna show you my favourite ice cream parlor, your gonna love it!"
"I think Y/n would rather come to my favourite grocery store, and visit the fresh produce aisle." Miku snatched your hand away from Kaito.
"I think Y/n wants to get dressed and see the studio." Oliver said innocently.
"Well?" They all said in unison, it was actually quite creepy. "Which is it?"
"I think I would like to get dressed, then do all of those." You said with a happy smile.
You wore the same outfit you had worn the day before, your outfit that looked a lot like Miku's with f/c trim and the ribbons hanging from your leg, arm, neck, and head.
You were currently at the grocery store with Kaito, Miku, and Oliver. Miku was in the fresh produce aisle, Kaito was in the dairy section and Oliver was following behind you as you wandered aimlessly through the shopping centre. You wanted to find a good character item, maybe something sweet would suit you.
"Oliver do you think cake would be a good item?"
He shook his head. "Get a bird. Name it Bond, James Bond, Agent 007."
"But you already did that." You said.
"No. My bird name is James. That's it, just James. Y/n how old are you?"
'That was a quick change of topic.' You thought. "I'm about 16." You said.
'Oh...' Oliver thought doing a quick spin to face the other way as his face was red. "She's older than me James, by a whole four years. But she's only a bit taller than me." He whispered to the bird so you couldn't hear. "I think I still have a chance. I think she'll love me." He then turned back to you. "How about chocolate milk?"
You thought about it then shook your head. "Nah, I think I'll go with (Favourite thing) as my character item. I just love F/T. It's amazing because (List reasons why its awesome)"
Oliver smiled. "F/T is amazing your right!"
"Come on, let's go find the others! We can tell them I've figured out what I would like for my character item!" You said with a wide smile.
Oliver nodded and you three were off, because the bird makes three.
As expected Miku was in the fresh produce aisle munching on some leeks. She barely paid you two any attention as you walked up behind her.
"Miku!" You shouted as you both tackled her with hugs. "I hope you plan on paying for those leeks."
"I will!" Miku said with a mouthful of leeks and a huge smile.
"I got a character item! Its (Insert new character item here)!" You gave her a huge smile as you displayed C/I.
"You should've- Mmmm! This leek!- chose negi as your item. But I guess C/I is good too." Miku said with a shrug. "Have you found Kaito yet?"
"Yeah we did and we tried to get him to get you."
"But he wanted to stay and eat all of the ice cream." Oliver finished.
Miku facepalmed. "Classic Kaito."
Once you were able to pry Kaito away from the ice cream, Oliver suggested you visited the studio, and on the way home stopped by the ice cream parlour for a treat.
You were currently walking through the many halls of the studio, silently following Oliver Miku and Kaito as they lead you to the recording room.
"Y/n-chan! We're here!" Miku announced quite loudly, but in a cheerful tone.
"Go on in! You can practice your songs!" Oliver said with a happy smile.
Your face burned a deep red. "W-what!? I dunno I mean I am new and I might have a voice crack! And that would be so embarrassing especially in front of you guys who have been singing for years!"
"Come on Y/n your a vocaloid! You're programmed to sing! You won't be having any voice cracks ever!" Miku cheered you on.
Your face turned a brighter red and you shook your head vigorously. "Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope! Someone else please sing first, I refuse to go in there!"
Miku sighed. "Fine. I'll go first and I'll sing World is Mine for you, but then you have to go in and sing Love Me Please! The song you were working on."
You sighed. "But I'm embarrassed!"
"What are you going to say when we have a concert? Or an Expo? Are you gonna go on stage and say 'Oh I'm too embarrassed to sing, sorry'! No! You will get up on the stage! And you will sing! Just like you will get in that recording room, when I'm done, and you will sing! Am I clear!?"
"U-Um... Yes Ms. Hatsune." You responded, scared.
"Good." Miku said before entering the recording room and singing World is Mine.
You came out of the recording studio, your face a deep red, and you attempted to dine your face in your hands and hair. "You can yell at me about how bad I was now!"
Miku giggled, "Bad? You didn't do bad your singing was amazing!"
"I agree!" Kaito said. "I love your singing almost as much as I love my scarf and ice cream!"
"But I thought I messed up." You said peeking out. "I thought I sung that one part too high. And I think I sung the begining too low."
"Oh my, why be concerned about that when it was absolutely perfect? I think that was the best song I've ever heard to be honest!" Miku complemented with a genuine smile.
"The sun is going behind the mountains." Oliver pointed at the sky. "I think we should get our ice cream and go home."
"Oh Oliver!" You smiled picking up the small boy. He clung to your shirt and looked up at you. "You are just the most adorable thing I've ever seen!"
He stared up at you with his yellow eye and smiled. "I am adorable yes I know."
"Also quite vain." You stated before you all left.
You all sat at the dinner table with a pissed off Miku and a drunk Meiko. "I cannot BELIEVE they didn't have leek flavoured ice cream!" Miku shouted, clearly upset. "What kind of place DOESN'T have leek flavoured ice cream!?"
"Preach it sista!" Drunk Meiko said taking a swig of sake. "I'm totally in agreement with this."
"Miku, calm down!" A green haired girl, who you knew as Gumi, tried to calm Miku.
"How could you ask her to calm down!?" Meiko asked slamming the now empty bottle of sake against the table, shattering it. "She's probably out of sake! Go get me more sake!" Meiko demanded.
Rin got up and ran into the kitchen, quickly grabbing her some more sake and bringing it back. "Sorry you had to see this on your first day, Y/n-chan."
"That's okay Rin," You smiled to her. " I still had a lovely first day with them!"  

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