Out of His League

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    After dinner, Meiko said to you, "Y/n I'm so sorry. Since your weren't supposed to be here for another week or so, there isn't a room prepared for you."
"We'll share a room with Y/n!" Rin invited. "We'll be best buddies, and everything!" She threw an arm around you. "I mean look! We both love ribbons so it must work."
"Alright." Meiko nodded. "Don't stay up to late." She then went up to bed followed by Oliver who was begging to stay up late. Miku went to bed and soon all that was left was you, the twins, Kaito, a purple haired male, a white haired female, and a pink haired female.
You looked at each and every one of them and then messed with your ribbons. You were a bit nervous. You were honestly considering faking a malfunction. That wouldn't have worked because they all knew what one would look like. And you wouldn't as you were new.
Rin cleared her throat and walked over to the white haired girl. "This is Yowane Haku! Your new sister! And this!" She pointed to the purple haired male. "Is Gakupo! I advise you to stay away from him but he's your older brother now."
"I have no relation to them" You said. "Their not in my-"
"Yeah, yeah we just treat them like siblings." Rin said. "And that is Kasane Teto, your aunt."
"Isn't it about time for bed?" Len asked.
"Well yeah, but I don't wanna go to bed and Onee-chan Meiko doesn't have to know we were up this late! Besides Len, Y/n doesn't have pajamas. Be considerate of others Len!"
"She can borrow a pair of your clothes Len," Suggested Teto. "I haven't really wash clothes so Rin only has one pair of night clothes."
"TETO!" Len shouted. "I don't wanna share with her!"
"Yeah, well, I don't wanna share with you either!" You shouted back.
"You hear that Len?" Rin smirked and looked at him . "She's outta your league."
"100% Rekt M8." Haku said.
Len looked at you, mouth wide. "Out of my league, eh? Is that a challenge?"
"Come at me bro." You said with a sly smile.
Len got up from the table and dashed upstairs. You could hear lots of shuffling and angry grumbles. Eventually you heard something slammed shut and quick footsteps down the stairs.
The blond male threw some clothes at you which hit you in the face. It didn't bother you much as the clothes were actually very soft.
You took them in your hands and felt them. The clothes were made out of a fine silk as you could tell. It was mostly white with yellow/gold trimming. You must admit they were very fine but you weren't going to let him have his way. Truly, you were impressed, but you didn't let that show. You sighed and rolled your eyes.
"What are these?" You spat.
"One of my finest night clothes." Len responded. "And from the look on your face previously, you can tell."
You blushed angrily and said, "Well yeah! But that's because these are the first pair of pajamas I've seen!" You defended.
He chuckled and kept his remark to himself. "Here, I'll show you to our room and you can change." Len offered before heading towards the door and motioning for you to follow.
You did so but with a hair flip and a 'hmph' as not to let him think he won and this was over. He mocked you and you refrained from slapping him.
He lead you up three flights of stairs and opened a white door. The room was large and there were two queen sized beds against the walls. It was painted white, yellow, and orange. You assumed those were the twins favourite colours.
The bed against the right wall had orange and white sheets and the bed against the left had yellow and white sheets. The bed on the rights side of the room was made very nicely whereas the other was messy and unmade. The room had two televisions, one black and one white. You assumed the twins liked different shows.
"I guess you can sleep with Rin." Len said plopping on the bed on the left side of the room. That, from what you could tell, was his bed.
Rin entered the room and shook her head. "That just won't do Len. I move and sleep walk and talk. I don't wanna hit poor Y/n in her sleep!" Rin said hugging you. "She's too innocent!"
"Just wait till she sings a song with Len." Miku, who was passing the room. She was out only to sneak a leek from the kitchen but speaking with her new bestie couldn't hurt.
"What do you mean?" Innocent you asked with wide eyes.
Miku chuckled and took a bite of her leek. She spoke with a mouthful, "Oh yeah you don't know about- Oh that is a good leek! I may need another- You don't know about Len's reputation" She swallowed the leek. "His songs- anything but innocent!" She sat down on Rin's bed.
Rin chuckled. "Yeah! He's working on this new song and-"
"Can we stop talking about my songs?" Len said. "Let's talk about Y/n's."
"O-oh!" You said. "I was told I was going to be working on a song tomorrow."
"That's so cool!" Miku said. "What's it called?"
" Onegai watashi o aishite! ( Love Me Please!)" You responded.
"You, Miku, and Len will be singing a lot of songs together if that's your debut song." Rin said. "Working on any others?"
"Yeah!" You nodded. "After that I'm supposed to do one called I'm Innocent. That one's gonna be in English."
"We should totally do a song together sometime!" Rin suggested. "I can see it now! Us on stage, singing our hearts out like there's no tomorrow, and OH! You can even sing in Magical Mirai with us!!!!" She squealed loud. "Oh and we can have our own Exposition like Miku! Author-chan went to the Hatsune Miku Exposition herself on Friday, May 6th! Right Midnight?"
Author-chan Midnight descended from the heavens with her midnight blue dyed hair wearing her favourite pair of jeans and her Hatsune Miku shirt that her new husband (Well, not husband but soon to be husband. Okay, maybe not because we had just met on Friday) bought her. "Yes I can confirm this Rin." She said before ascending back.
"Who was that?" You asked watching as she disappeared.
"That was Author-chan Midnight. She's married to Len, Kaito and Oliver and she will determine your future. So be nice!"
Miku nodded. "She's so nice. I love her."
"Anyways," Len said. "You should get some rest. It seems you'll have a lot of recording to do tomorrow."
You nodded. "Right. I'll go change right now!" You ran into their closet and changed. You came out wearing Len's soft silk pajamas and ready for bed.
"You will sleep in Len's bed and He can sleep on the floor." Rin said. Miku had left to get herself another leek and Len was on the floor watching TV.
"What?" Len said. "I will NOT be sleeping on the floor."
Too late. You were already in his bed laying under his covers. He stormed over, pushed you to the side and laid on the left side of his bed.
"Aww!" Rin cooed. "You look like a married couple who's mad at each other."
You blushed furiously and hid your face in the sheets. This was going to be a long first night.

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