You sat at the breakfast table on your new phone when Len called to you, "Y/n!" You left this with me here you go." Len handed you your phone.
"Here Oliver." You gave him the phone you had bought the day prior. "It's a gift for you." You pat the boy's head.
Breakfast was silent from that point on. You enjoyed your waffles as Miku ate her leeks and syrup. Which was probably really gross. Rin ate five oranges, at once which was creeping you out. Kaito ate his ice cream for breakfast.
You had stolen a banana from Len (Because bananas are amazing) you peeled it and began eating it. As you ate it you noticed everyone was staring at you.
"Y/n... You do know that there are rules to eating a banana in public, right?" Len said a light blush dusting his face as he shifted uncomfortably.
"There are?" You tilted your head.
"Yes there are." Meiko said looking down. "Could someone please explain to Y/n?"
Miku cleared her throat. "Rule #1!) Do not, I repeat not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, suck on the banana."
"Hmm?" You blinked, not quite getting it.
"Rule #2!" Rin declared. "Do not take large bites of the banana!"
"Rule #3!" Declared Luka cause she hasn't said anything so far, "Do not simply leave the banana in your mouth as you stare off into space!"
You weren't getting any of this but you began taking smaller bites of the banana, which seemed to calm everyone down.
"Alright listen," Meiko announced. "Luka, Gakupo, Haku, Teto and I must go out today, therefore leaving you adultless. Not like Kamui was much of an adult anyway." Meiko glared at the male. "But that doesn't matter, what matters is we're gone, and we're going to need a trustworthy person to be in charge."
Miku and Kaito both straightened their posture, in hopes to be chosen. "Someone who can take care of themselves." Meiko continued as the two straightened even more. "Someone who knows the difference between right and wrong." The two were now so straight that you could use them as rulers. "Someone like Y/n." Meiko finished.
Kaito's hopes and dreams were crushed as he slouched in his seat. Miku didn't mind, but she relaxed a little bit. "Look at you Y/n!" She congratulated you. "You haven't even been here that long and your already in charge!"
You smiled. "Thank you, you can trust they will be under the best care."
"Good." Meiko smiled at you. "You may continue your breakfast." She then finished her breakfast, a bottle of sake. You wondered if that could even be considered a breakfast.
"Alright guys!" Luka smiled as she clapped her hands together. "We'll be taking our leave now!"
Everyone gave Luka and Meiko hugs, nobody really cared about the other three.
"We're not sure if we'll be back late night or early morning, so please do behave for Y/n." Meiko said and with that, the adults left.
Little Oliver had his own plan for the day, and if all went as planned you would be going to the park! Oliver sat in front of the window, looking all depressed. His hand supported his head as he leaned against it.
You were walking down the hall with Len talking about your favourite video games at the time. "And I think its an amazing game because the-" You stopped mid sentence as you noticed the blond boy staring out through the window. You walked over and knelled next to the boy. "Why are you so sad Oliver? Do you miss Meiko and Luka?" The boy nodded in reply to your question. "How can I make it better?"
You noticed the boy's eye slightly lit up when you asked that question. "Yeah, if you take me to the park."
You looked out the window. "But Oliver, it's about to rain, possibly even hail! We can't go to the park."
Oliver's eyes filled with tears and he sniffled a bit. "B-but-" And he broke into tears.
Rin came downstairs and saw Len staring at you and Oliver. She rolled her eyes. "Every time he wants something he uses the same tactic."
Len nodded. "Yup, do you think Y/n will fall for it?"
"I hope she doesn't, I think she's smarter than that."
"How about we go tomorrow?" You suggested. "The storm may have passed by then."
Oliver continued crying. "But I don't want to go tomorrow!"
You sighed. "Okay, okay..." You stood. "Hey everyone!" Everyone still in the mansion gave you their attention. "We're all going to the park."
"But Y/n." Miku said with a frown as she looked out the window, "It seems a storm is coming."
You bit your lip. "Yeah, we won't be there long though, okay?" You said and Miku nodded.
"Alright..." Rin said, slightly hesitating.
"Will you push me on the swings Y/n?" Oliver asked.
"Oliver, you are twelve! You know how to do it yourself." You said.
"Yeah but its more fun when people push me!" He tugged on your shirt. "Please!"
You sighed. "Okay fine." And you pushed the little boy on the swings for a few minutes. Then you felt something wet drop on your arm. "Huh?" You looked up. There wasn't another drop, so you assumed it was okay and kept pushing him. After one minute you were pelted with raindrops, getting your hair a bit wet. You stopped pushing him.
"Look Y/n it's raining!" Oliver pointed up at the sky.
Miku came down the slide. "I don't think we're going to have enough time to make it home before it starts hailing." She said.
"Yeah." You agreed with a nod. "Let's at least start for home, when it starts to hail we'll run to the nearest shelter, hopefully the house.
"We couldn't someone have driven us here?" Len complained.
"None of us have our licenses." Kaito pointed out.
"Yeah but Y/n and Miku have their permits." Rin reminded.
"Yes but there has to be an adult in the car that has a license for us to drive." You said. "Come on, let's go."
As you all made your way home it seemed a flood would be coming before the hail even began! Your feet were almost completely covered in water. You bit your lip. "We're going to have to dash for home." You determined.
"Yeah, but Rin and Oliver are slightly slower than us, we can't just leave them." Miku said. "Plus Kaito's way faster than us."
You nodded. "I have a solution." You tossed Kaito the keys.
"Your crazy." Len declared.
"Shut up or we'll leave you behind!" You yelled at the boy. "Now," You picked up Oliver and place him on your shoulders like a child. "Hold on tight okay?" The young boy nodded.
Miku got the idea and placed Rin on her shoulders. "How about to make it fun we have a little race? You vs ms vs Len." She suggested.
"Sounds fun, ready? Set, go!" And with that you dashed off. Now I know what your thinking, isn't it dangerous to run through water with a little boy on you head? Yes, it is. That is why this is fiction (I did it before though, almost fell but I didn't) so because this is fiction, I can allow this to happen safely, and accident free, but I won't.
Miku passed you. "Yeah! Go Miku!" Rin cheered. "Miku! Miku! For the win!"
You pushed yourself a bit harder and you were not just a little bit in front of Miku and Rin. "You can do it Y/n!" Oliver cheered. Then Len passed you up.
Then you all came to a stop at a cross walk. You let Oliver push the button thingy as you all waited for it to turn from red to green. "So what do you guys want for dinner tonight?" You asked.
"Something with leeks." Miku said.
"Something with oranges." Rin requested.
"Something with bananas." Len shrugged.
"Anything I gue-" Oliver began, but midway through his sentence the red hand turned, you were all free to go.
You dashed across, almost at full speed. Len wasn't very far ahead, thirty centimetres at least. Just as he was about to reach the gate to where you all resided, he slipped and fell. You came to a stop and took Oliver off of your shoulders. "Len!" You exclaimed kneeling down.
The boy was fighting back tears as he sat up. There was a bruise on the left side of his forehead and his cheek was bleeding. He was also having a horrible nosebleed. "I-I'm fine." He stuttered.
"No you're not!" You shouted.
Miku and Rin ran through the gates. Rin jumped off Miku's shoulders. "Miku and Rin for the win!" They fist bumped, highfived and struck poses. You tried to pick Len up but he pushed you away.
"I'm fine." Len said trying and failing to stand on his own. That's when you felt the first drop of hail.
"Come on Len." You said picking him up, refusing to put him down when he complained.
"What about me?" Oliver complained.
"You can walk, you didn't just fall." Miku said too him.
"I don't wanna walk!"
"Want to, Oliver." She corrected. "And if it makes you that upset, I'll carry you inside." Miku picked him up. "Man this is difficult." She muttered to herself. "He's only like fifty centimeters shorter than me!" (That's basically a ruler and a half.) Which was a huge exaggeration. The boy was a little bit shorter than that.
"But I don't want you to carry me!" Oliver complained. "I want Y/n to carry me!"
"Not now!" You yelled walking up the porch with Len on your back. "Some other time okay?"
With a sigh of defeat Oliver folded his arms and pouted. "Fine."
You carried Len into the living room and laid him on the couch, Kaito was on the floor eating ice cream and watching TV. How did he get there so fast? You didn't see him run.
~Earlier that day!~
Some random lady had flagged a taxi down and as she was about to climb in Kaito pushed her out the way and got in himself. "Don't mind that." He said. "Just take me to this address."
"I'm a really fast runner." Kaito replied. "You didn't see me, because I ran at the speed of light. Anyways what happened here?"
"Len tripped and fell. And now his face his lovely face as been damaged!" You told him. "Get me some alcohol, please."
Kaito went to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of sake. "I don't think your old enough to drink though..."
You face palmed. "Not that alcohol! Some cleaning alcohol! Or some peroxide!"
"Oh okay!" He came back with the requested item.
"I don't like that." Len muttered. "It stings."
"That's because I haven't been cleansing your wounds. I know how to do it right. I promise this won't sting a bit!" You smiled at the boy.
"Just close your eyes and-" You quickly pressed the bad against his wound and the boy screamed in pain. Soon you pulled it away.
Tears were streaming from Len's eyes. "You promised it wouldn't hurt! You lied Y/n!" He pointed at you.
"I didn't lie because those weren't my words, I promised it wouldn't sting not hurt. Now tell me Len, did it sting or did it hurt?"
"It hurts!"
"Good, I kept my promise, now lie back down so I can clean the rest of your wounds!"
Let's just say Len had a long night.
"Wait what's Meiko gonna say when she hears Len broke his leg!?" Rin asked.
"She doesn't have to know!" You said, hoping she wouldn't tell and ruin your reputation. "We can just lock Len away like an animal!"
"Sound like a good idea." Oliver nodded.