Never Get Lost in the Shopping Centre with Lots of Cash

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(Yes the title must be that long)
"Kaito..." You said looking to the east searching. You waited a few minutes but there was no response. "Kaito?" You snapped your head to where he sat and in his place was nothing but thin air. "Kaito!? How dare you leave me!? Ugh!"
You were about to get up and leave, but before you were able to walk off something caught your eye. The poor boy had left his wallet in the seat. "Oh... Well, I guess I'll take it home and give it to him when he gets there..." You picked up the wallet and took a peek inside, you know, just to see how much he had on him. "I guess he won't mind if I spend a few pounds..." You smirked mischievously.
~Meanwhile with the Twins!~
"Len did you really have to buy every banana related item there?" Rin asked.
Len nodded as he sipped on his banana milkshake and ate some banana chips. Rin shook her head disapprovingly as she drank some of her orange juice and ate an orange.
~With Kaito~
Kaito shook his hands as he walked out of the restroom. "Dammit why do they always run out of paper towels" (The struggle. Not sure if it happens in the boys' restroom but hey, happens to me all the time.) "Let me go back to Y/n and help her find the twins..."
~Back to You!~
You had completely forgotten about the twins and Kaito as you looked at Diabolik Lovers plushies. "I'll take this one!" You decided picking up a Kanato plushie. "No this one!" You picked up a Subaru plush. "I think this one!" You picked a Shu plush.
"You know," The nice cashier said, "You can have all six of the brothers for seventy pounds!"
You thought about that. This wasn't your money so spending that much would be cruel. Then again, this wasn't your money so nothing to loose. You'll still have the same amount when you got back home, no one has to know you spent it.
"Yeah, sounds good. Here." You handed the male the seventy pounds and took your new plushies.
Now you were in a bookstore, searching the manga section. You hummed a nice song to yourself as you picked up a few manga. You read a few pages to see if you would like it and it was pretty good.
But you couldn't just read the first and stop! You would have to read the second, and the third, and the fourth and the fifth and the- "Shut up Midnight!" You yelled. "I get it!" Okay okay, I would've stopped soon anyways.
Sadly, this manga had over one hundred volumes. Luckily for you, there was just enough to buy all of them and still have cash left over! You shrugged and bought every volume, couldn't hurt that much could it?
"I swear I saw them right here about half an hour ago Rin!" Len said pointing at the table where you and Kaito once sat. "Then Kaito got up and left and now Y/n is gone too!"
"Dammit Len!" Shouted Rin. "Did you see which way Kaito went?"
"Yeah, east.... No no, south. Okay maybe west?"
Rin kicked her brother across the face. "Useless! Come on, I have a feeling I know how to find Kaito....
"Free ice cream!" Rin shouted, she had somehow gotten a kiosk and some ice cream and was now shouting 'Free ice cream' at the top of her lungs with Len.
"Free ice cream! Ice cream for FREE!" Len shouted.
"FREE, COLD, DELICIOUS ICE CREAM RIGHT HERE! A LOT OF IT FOR BLUE HAIRED MALES! SPECIFICALLY BLUE HAIRED MALES WITH THE NAME KAITO!!!!!" Rin was frantically waving a sign that read 'Free ice cream' as Len jumped up and down while waving his arms.
After about thirty minutes of shouting that, they finally got the male they were looking for. "Oh hey Len, hey Rin! So where's that free ice cream?" Kaito asked.
"Well, since it took you forever to get here, most of the ice cream is gone, so if you want this" Rin displayed a tube of ice cream. "It now cost five hundred pounds so that I can at least break even."
"That sucks because I lost my wallet." Tears Waterfalls were pouring from poor Kaito's eyes.
"If you have an idea where it might be," Len said. "we can check there to see."
"Yeah it might be where Y/n and I sat at the food court."
"Alright then!" Declared Rin. "To the food court we go!"
You were now hugging your plushies and dragging all your new manga along on a trolley when you walked past a store with a nice f/c shirt and some fabulous jeans in the display window. "Oh my..." You said. "This is pretty! I wonder how much it is..." You entered the store and asked to be directed towards where you could find that lovely shirt in the display window. The clothes weren't that expensive so you bought them and put your plushies in the bag with them.
You decided to make your way back to the food court, but on the way there you passed a Metro PCS. "Well..." You thought out loud, "I did lose my phone..."
The three were now at the table you sat at in the food court. "I hope Y/n will come back to the food court and see us..." Rin said.
"I have an idea!" Len said. "Let's call her!"
Rin face palmed. "Why didn't we think of that from the start! I'll call her." Rin pulled out her phone and dialed your number... the phone rang.
Literally three seconds after Rin heard the rings, (Your favourite song) began to play. "Huh?" Len asked to himself. It was closer than he thought... Len reached into his pocket and pulled out your phone. "Hello?" He answered.
Rin looked at her brother. "Bye." She hung up. "Really Len!?" She shouted. "I am embarrassed to be related to you!"
You happily skipped back to the food court with your new clothes, manga, and phone. Hopefully, Kaito wouldn't have come back and you could put the wallet back where he sat then pretend like nothing happened.
You hummed one of your songs as you made your way to the table. You opened your eyes and smiled when you saw the twins and Kaito, then you frowned. They would probably ask about all this. "Oh hey..." You said.
"Hey Y/n! Where'd you get all the stuff from?" Len asked.
"The stores..." You answered vaguely.
"With what money?" Asked Rin. "I thought Meiko had you leave your cash at home..." Rin was the first to realize what had happened, but she remained silent. Just to see if the two idiots could figure it out.
You completely avoided the question and pulled Kaito's wallet out. "Here's your wallet, you had left it..."
Len's eyes slightly widened. He figured out what had happened.
"Why is there so much money missing?..." Kaito asked, he still had no idea what happened.
"It might've fell out as I was walking around..." You tried, it seemed like Kaito had believed it.
"Meh, I can earn it all back." Kaito shrugged.
"We're home!" You declared.
"Y/n!" Miku and Oliver tackled you with hugs. "Welcome home!"
Meiko walked around the corner. "Looks like you had a good time! Come to the table, it's dinner time, tell us about your adventure!"
You nodded. You explained the story, leaving out the part in which you used Kaito's money, yet still telling them you picked up the wallet. Most of them figured out what you had done, but Kaito still had no clue. You finished dinner and told everyone goodnight before heading off to your room.
Kaito was laying in his bed watching TV and eating ice cream and then it hit him, "Y/N!!!!" He shouted.
Giggles and laughs could be heard throughout the house from everyone else.

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