"Responsible" Y/n

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You sat there terrified. What were they gonna do to you. At this point you regretted everything. You even regretted being MADE. If only software programs could commit suicide.

Meiko walked into your room. You froze at the sight of the scary woman, then quickly relaxed. You could handle this. You were mature and responsible. Kinda.

Meiko took a seat in your f/c chair. She took a deep breath in, and then out. "Y/n." Meiko began. You tried to open your mouth to say something, but Meiko placed her finger over your mouth. "I know none of this is your fault. Everyone else is irresponsible. And they didn't listen to you. So don't say a word. Don't worry. Everything is going to be fine for you. Everyone else on the other hand... Well, their getting a chat with Luka and Teto right now. All I want you to know is that you're not in trouble, okay? I know you're responsible, y/n." And with that she got up and exited the room.

With her exit came the entrance of little Oliver! "Y/n, Y/n!" He shouted and jumped into your arms, tackling you onto the bed.

"Woah there little man." You sat up and Pat his head. "You're 12 dude. No need to be acting half your age."

The boy pouted. "But missed you y/n! I even got you out of trouble with Meiko!"

"I-uhhhh... Thanks." You pet the boy's head. "Hey Oliver, I don't spend much time with you I noticed. Show me what you do for fun."

"What I like to do? Okay!" He jumped up and grabbed your arm, pulling you out of your room. He was a lot stronger than he acted. He dragged you down the stairs and past the living room where everyone was getting lectured. For a moment you made eye contact with Rin, you could see the fear and sadness filling her. You bit your lip feeling a bit guilty, but that lasted only a moment as Oliver dragged you to the backyard.

He whistled and for a moment nothing happened. Absolute silence. You parted your lips just a bit. Oliver held his hands out and a bird flew right into his hands. For some reason you recognised it. "James?" You said his name. The little bird looked at you.

"You know James, Y/n?" He asked.

"Uh kinda. I know he's your bird." You said. "He's cute. Can I pet him?"

"James, can she pet you?" He asked. The bird, James chirped. "He said yes."

You reached your hand out to pet him. He was soft and sooooo adorable. "I want a pet now!" You said.

"We can find you one! I mean everyone has their own little thing. Miku has Hatchune, Luka has Tako, Rin Has Larval Rin. Let's find you something!"

And like that you ended up back in the mall. Not with Kaito's wallet though. (lucky him). You were in the pet store! Looking for a cute little pet. 

"HUH!?!" You exclaimed, seeing a baby Hatchune Miku getting fed little leeks.

"Oh yeah. They're pets!" Oliver told you. Maybe they have one of you! Like a tako y/n or a larval y/n or a James!"

"If they have a Larval Y/n I'm throwing up." And low and behold, a larval you. And as promised you threw up. "I mean. I guess it's kinda cute. I'm kinda cute..." You said with a light smile.

"Kinda cute? You're hella sexy!" Oliver kinda whispered



"What did you say?"

"No I didn't say anything."

"I swear I heard something."

"Maybe you said something. Maybe you said I was hella sexy."

"That's exactly what I heard."

"You think I'm sexy?"

"Oliver you're twelve."

"Oh right... Right..." That was followed by an intense moment of silence. Oliver began to tap his foot. "Well, do you think you're responsible, Y/n? If so we can get it!"

"Responsible?" And you recalled the actions of the previous days."No. I'm everything but. Another day I guess." You sighed.

The larval y/n pat your head with her foot and smiled at you. It was like she was you begging you to​​ take her. You looked up and frowned. "I'm sorry sweetie. Another time? Ugh you're so cute!"

Larval Y/n's round eyes began to tear up. A single tear shed.

"OKAY DON'T SHAME ME LIKE THAT I'LL TAKE YOU!" You shouted. Disrupting everyone in the store. All eyes were on you. Larval you tried to hide in her cage, embarrassed. "Sorry." You muttered.


You reached home and set Larval Y/n's cage down on the floor. Her cage was covered with a blanket and you were excited to let her run around. She was very hyper. Jumping up and down and rattling her cage.

"You ready to see your home?" And with your words Larval Y/n escaped her cage! "Y/n wait!" You took off after the little you.

"Huh?" All of the poor, grounded vocaloids peeked out their room doors to see what was causing you to tell yourself to wait. 

"Oh. My. GOD!" Rin shouted out. "IT'S SO CUTE!" Rin dashed down the stairs followed by her twin.

"Huh? What is it?" Meiko looked from the kitchen. "HEY GET BACK IN YOUR ROOM!" Meiko joined the chase with an empty bottle of sake.

"Oh alright! Let's get it!" Gumi dashed down the stairs and followed all of you.

"I WANNA JOIN TO!" Miku slid down the railing, following Gumi.

"Why are we running?" Kaito called chasing as well.

(A/n) I'll update later today or tomorrow. I just need to put this out.

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