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*Samantha's POV*

"Don't touch me!" She screamed, her body thrashing violently as she was forced to the floor.

"Please! Please don't hurt me!" she hiccupped as the man's body collapsed on top of hers, holding her frail figure beneath his much larger one. One of his hands gathered both of her wrists and held them above her head, the coarse gravel tearing into her smooth skin and causing droplets of blood to stain the ground beneath her.

"Help me please!" she called desperately before a rag was forced into her mouth as she cried, salty tears sliding down her cheeks and soaking the filthy fabric, making her gag.

"Shut up, whore" he spat and smacked her across the face causing her to whimper. His voice was hoarse and firm, silencing her immediately as he continued to press her body further into the dirt in an attempt to stop her fighting back. His face was hidden by a large hood and the shadow of the night, but in the darkness she could faintly see the outline of his sharp jaw and hard glare.

With his free hand he pushed up the skirt of her pale pink dress, exposing her smooth stomach and legs to the cold night air. The man groaned as he ran his rough fingertips across her skin, causing her to wriggle under his touch and cry out once again.

"Please" she cried against the rag, the sound coming out as a muffled plea for mercy, begging with the last shred of humanity this man might have left buried deep within him. His touch fell lower on her now still body, weak from the effort she had put into fighting back. His index finger trailed over her bellybutton before dipping into the band of her underwear where it lingered for a few moments while his gaze drifted up to meet hers.

"I think you should keep quiet, darling" he snarled, a wicked smirk dancing on the shadow of his lips before he pulled the underwear down her legs.


"Samantha?" Mr Parson's called from the head of the table, snapping my unfocused gaze from the scratched wooden table and back to him.

"Sorry Sir" I said quietly as a few quiet snickers rumbled from the opposite side of the room. I shot a quick glare in the direction of the sound before returning my attention back to Mr Parsons, who had continued speaking.

"As I was saying, the case concerns a young girl by the name of Daniella Styles. She is 25 and was brought to our attention in the early hours of this morning following a call from her younger brother. Ms Styles had been forced into an alleyway and raped on the west side of St James' Park at what we believe to be just after midnight. Ms Styles was brought in for interview at 9 this morning but was still in a considerable state of distress and was unable to provide much information" he said.

Mr Parson's was a large man in his mid-fifties. His years of service and daily subjection to the unfavourable side of London's streets was etched clearly on his face in the deep line that marred his forehead and the dark circles he wore beneath his eyes, their deep blue a stark contract to his otherwise pale skin. He was freshly shaven and by the small cut above his lip, he had left the house in a hurry this morning. He was a firm man, hardened by what he had seen, but he was kind, and the attack on this girl was clearly affecting him as he fiddled with the paperwork in front of him.

"So she couldn't give any information at all on her attacker?" someone from the other end of the table asked. I recognised his face, but hadn't bothered to learn his name. But then again he never learned mine either, to him, much like all the other men surrounding me at this table, I was just the 'dumb blonde'.

"No, all she could say was that he was wearing a dark hooded jumper and that he had a sharp jawline. Other than that I believe it was too dark and she was too frightened to make a clear analysis of her attacker" Parson's replied. A few mumbled words rose around the table before subsiding again as Parson's raised his hand.

"We need someone to take this case, one person, working alone with all the resources we can provide. But no more than one. Our team is spread thin enough as it is and I can't afford to lose any more of you to this case while we have others going on. So, who would like to take it?"

Again there was a wave of murmurs arising around the table but nothing more. I sat in silence, watching as the men surrounding me engaged with the person beside them but failed to offer their services to this young girl who had just been raped. I found myself becoming more and more frustrated as I glanced around the room. What? Did they think they were too good for this case, that it was beneath them and they were holding out for the bigger jobs? I scoffed at the male race and flicked my eyes towards Parsons who had just released a soft sigh.

"I'll take it" I said suddenly, throwing the room into a stunned silence.

"What you? What you gonna' do eh? Flash your tits at the guy and then cuff him while 'e's ogglin'?"

It was Alex who had spoken, the oldest, most experienced and most successful detective in the room. And also, by coincidence, the biggest bellend. Several of his 'fan group' (as I like to call them) snorted in agreement and he smirked from where he sat directly opposite me. I glowered at him from across the table, and resisted the urge to smack that smirk off his smug face. I opened my mouth to retaliate but was cut off.

"That's enough" Parsons grumbled from his seat where he had slumped back in the leather and slid downwards so that his eyes were gazing at the ceiling. He returned to his position facing the group once he had everyone's attention.

"Samantha, are you sure you can handle this case? You will be on your own and you're still a junior" he said in what I assumed was meant to be a gentle, rather than condescending, tone.

"I can handle it" I said through my teeth, my right hand curled tightly in a fist in my lap to calm my temper. It was unlike me, to lose control over something so simple, but to be seated in a room, surrounded by all the men in the department, all the men who patronise me, degrade me and sexualise me, it was hard to keep my cool.

"Very well, case is yours" Parson's said, gathering his papers and standing to leave the room before aiming his final words to me. "Barbra will bring the case file to your office" and then he was gone.

"Better get a backup detective on the case Parson's for when she fucks it up!" Alex called after him.

I kicked my chair from underneath me and grabbed my papers from the desk.

"You won't need one" I shot at Alex before dashing down the hallway.       

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