The undertaker (part 2)

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You and mark had an amazing relationship. You got martied and also You've had two baby girls. You love them with all your heart. You and mark was having an argument at the moment, but since the kids we're home you did not want to argue in front of them. Your kids Marcelina and Jennifer we're eating breakfast and ready to go to school. since mark was sleep you had to take them to school. As they put on there shoes you got up and fixed mark some food and wrote a little note on the side.

* Good morning Mark, here is your breakfast. In taking Jenny and Mari to school. Your work out bag is packed. You have 5 water bottles and a salad and a green smoothe that has apples, kiwi, pears. Enjoy your day with your friends since they called at 5 fucking 30 in the morning.
~ Love, Y/n *

You got up and put on some clothes and drove your kids to school. After you dropped them of you see a lot of cars in the drive way and you noticed they we're his friends cars. You got out not trying to be pissed of at him and them being at your house. You asked your self why couldn't he just go to there house?? But you just walked in the house to see then watching football game with food everywhere. They saw and said hey, you waved at them and sat down with them. You we're staring at mark you missed him in your bed but instead you sleep in the guest room now. It was  your decision to sleep there.

Paul(hhh): hey Y/n how have you been lately

You: I'm I've been good *sighs* what about you Paul

Paul: I'm good me and steph are doing good

Y/n: that's good to hear paul

While you we're talking to Paul you see mark starting you down. His mad face expression. You turned a little to be able to look at him with your corner of your eye. You saw him mouth "sluty bitch". He thought you didnt see him when he mouthed that. So you told Paul you'll see him and talking to him later as you got up and checked your phone to see what time it was. It was 2:19 and you had to pick up Marcelina since she gets out at 2:30. You went up stairs and took a shower and put on some purple & purple tights and a pink shirt and picked up Marcelina. I arrived at her schoool and She came running toward me.

Marcelina: mommy!!!

You: hey baby how was school

Marcelina: it was good. We painted today and we learned how to draw bubble hearts.

You: wow that means you could draw something for me

Marcelina: okay mommy I will. Mommy?

You: yeah sweetheart

Marcelina: can I go to to Aunt lacey' s house for Saturday and sunday

You: if she let's You go

As you we're driving she grabbed your phone and called her. Yup she's smart just too smart. She said yes to bring Both of the kids. Jennifer gets out at 3:50 but it was 2:53. So you just went home and got Marcelina ready. You've noticed the house was clean and marks friends we're gone. You we're happy because now you get to have some peace. You helped Marcelina pack for Saturday and Sunday, And then it was 3:45. You told Marcelina to get a couple of snacks from the fridge and bottom cabinet. As you walked to you and marks room, well currently his room now. You grabbed Marcelina's slippers. You saw mark on the bed watching tv. You said hey but he ignored you. you went and packed Jennifers bag so she could spend the night at your sisters house. You went back in marks room and went to him and turned his head and kissed his lips.

You: I'm going to pick up Jennifer then drop both of them off to laceys house. Okay

Mark: *silent*

You: *sighs* okay then

You went to pick up Jennifer then you went home so you can get  Mari and jenn ready to go to laceys house and go back home. It was 4:35, you got out off your car and went inside the house and went to Marla room and went inside the closet to get her some sleeping clothes and you did the same with Jennifer. Once they were set you drove them to laceys house.

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