Chapter 1

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"Sophie! Your matchmaking scroll!" Edaline called from downstairs.
Sophie jumped off her bed and almost tripped over herself while running down the stairs. She was visiting home for the weekend from Foxfire Academy, where she was in her final year of the Elite levels. Keefe and Fitz had graduated almost two years previously, but Dex and Biana were still there with Sophie. All five of them had decided to apply for matchmaking scrolls this year, and were planning to open them together.
Sophie reached the kitchen, where Edaline was holding what was hopefully her scroll.
"Here you go. Oh, my little girl is growing up so fast." Edaline sniffles.
"Awe, Edaline, don't make me start crying." Sophie pulled Edaline in for a hug, and then started to turn towards the stairs.
"I'm going to Everglen, I promised Biana we would open our scrolls together." Sophie said.
"Okay, have fun! Be sure to tell me your number one as soon as you get back!" Edaline called after Sophie as she ran back up the stairs.
Sophie reached the Leapmaster, scroll in hand.
Sophie landed outside Everglen, where Biana waited for her.
"Yay! You're finally here! I've been dying to open this." Biana held up her scroll.
Sophie laughed. "Well, I'm here now. Let's go open our scrolls!" They linked their arms, and headed inside.

Dex, Keefe, and Fitz were all waiting in the living room when Sophie and Biana walked in. Sophie couldn't help but notice how attractive Fitz had gotten. He'd always been attractive.... but wow.
"Hey, guys." Sophie acknowledged all three boys. They all smiled back at her.
"Okay, why are we waiting? Let's just open our scrolls!" Biana was practically bouncing up and down.
"Okay,  let's do it!" Keefe said.
They all ripped open the seals holding the scrolls and began to read.
Sophie scanned the list for names she recognized.
Dex was at #44, and Tam Song was #31. Surprisingly enough, Sophie recognized Valin, who was at #67.
Keefe was her #6. Wow, Sophie definitely didn't see that one coming. But when she saw her number one, her heart stopped.
"Sophie, you okay? You're really pale." Dex said. Sophie looked up to see her friends staring at her.
"Um, yeah, I'm just going to go to the bathroom quickly." She mumbled, and slipped out into the hallway. She looked at her scroll again, just to make sure she'd read the name correctly. Yup, it was still there.
"Hey, are you sure you're all right?"
Sophie looked up to see Fitz standing there.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She said quickly.
"Soph, no you're not. It's okay, you can trust me." Fitz flashed his movie star smile, and Sophie felt her heart flutter.
"Okay, um, it's just that... Fitz, you're number one on my matchmaking scroll."

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