Chapter 6

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As she walked in, arm and arm with Chat Noir, Ladybug touched her mask to make sure it was still there. It was. Of course, she hadn't expected it to disappear, but with her luck, anything could happen.

Chat didn't seem quite as nervous. He stood straight and tall, his cat ears perked up and his arm firm and strong, which was good because it gave Ladybug more confidence.

She attempted to copy him, trying to seem calm and confident. But when she walked into the ballroom, all her efforts went straight out the window.

There were so many people. More than Ladybug thought she could ever handle.

Chat Noir must have sensed her utter terror. He released her, choosing instead to wrap his arm around her shoulder.

"It's okay," he whispered into her ear. "You can do this."

Chat led her to a corner of a room, staying close to the wall. Everyone else was too busy to see them, as they were dancing to a slow song in couples. Ladybug spotted Alya in a sparkling gold sequined dress and strappy heels. She's straightened her hair, and she looked radiant, beautiful, and happy as she danced with Nino who'd somehow been forced into a suit. Ladybug smiled at the sight of her friends, then turned back to Chat Noir.

"Okay," he said quietly. Just stick with me, okay? We'll just talk to people, smile and nod, and have fun. Easy."

"Yep." Ladybug met his eyes. "No problem." She gave him a thumbs up.

The dance trailed off to an send, and people stopped dancing and began to talk. A few noticed Ladybug and Chat and approached them excitedly.

The heroes said "thank you," to compliments and "you're welcome," to the many thanks they received. It got easier and easier. Ladybug was finally calmed down and warmed up to the people. That is, until her parents came to meet her.

Marinette had helped her parents get all dressed up for the occasion. They too had tried to convince her to attend. She'd once again politely refused. And now they were here.

"Hello," greeted Marinette's dad wth a wave and a friendly smile. "I'm Tom Dupain-Cheng, and this is my wife, Sabine." We own that bakery down there. Mari's dad gestured in a direction.

"Oh, great!" Chat shook their hands. "A bakery! I sure do love me some baked goods. Maybe I'll stop by sometime." He flashed a charming grin.

Marinette's mother smiled warmly. "Oh, that'd be excellent! And I'd just like to say thank you so, so much." She said as she shook Ladybug's hand. "We really appreciate you keeping this city safe."

Tom nodded in agreement. "Yes, we have a daughter, Marinette. It would be devastating if anything were to happen to her. But with you here, we don't have to worry as much."

Ladybug tried not to let her smile waver. If her parents knew what was really going on, they'd always be worried sick. She was the one constantly in danger, fighting off the trouble.

Chat grinned again. "You're welcome. We do our best."

Ladybug nodded awkwardly, not wanting to make Chat do all of the talking. "Y-yes. Of course. We love this city and its people as much as you do, and it's truly an honor to be able to keep it safe."

"Oh, and by the way," Sabine added. "Your dress is so beautiful. Our daughter Marinette would have loved to see it. She wants to design fashion one day."

Ladybug laughed. "Thanks. Well, it was a pleasure meeting you two."

"Really, it was." Chat shook the Dupain-Chengs' hands once more as they left. Then, he put his hand on Ladybug's shoulder and as she signed.

"Nice people, aren't they? And I've been to their bakery. It's really fantastic. Maybe you and I could go sometime." He winked flirtatiously.

Ladybug pulled Chat's hand off of her shoulder. "Maybe," she said, rolling her eyes. Whew. She'd barely survived that encounter. She'd been so worried that somehow her parents would recognize her. But they hadn't, thank goodness. But she was still shaken.

"Well, m'lady," Chat started. But he was interrupted by a loud voice over a speaker.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Paris," the voice boomed. "Please welcome the guests of honor, our heroes, a very special duo, Ladybug and Chat Noir!"

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