Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Ladybug let out a shaky breath that rattled her entire body.

"So..." Chat spoke quietly into the silence. "We should probably go talk somewhere, right?"

Ladybug just nodded.

They said nothing as they walked down the dark sidewalk, their footsteps loud in the chilly silence. The stars twinkled and windchimes tinkled.

"Come," Ladybug waved at Chat to follow her into the Dupain-Cheng bakery. She knocked on the locked door, and Tom and Sabine immediately rushed to open it.

"Ladybug, Chat Noir!" Tom exclaimed. "Come right on in."

"We just stopped by to see if we could maybe get some hot chocolate to go? Mine with cinnamon and Chat's with..." Ladybug turned to her partner, blushing wildly when she remembered who he really was.

"Caramel, please." Chat said.

Sabine made the drinks while Tom spoke with the duo.

"We've taken care of all the trouble," Ladybug confirmed. "It's all clear." She whispered her next words. "We captured Hawkmoth." Tom gasped but didn't ask any questions. "If you haven't seen your daughter yet, she's probably with another group. I guarantee that she's perfectly safe. She'll most likely be back by tomorrow. Don't worry."

"Uh, Ladybug? We can't just assume-" Chat began to whisper in Ladybug's ears, but Ladybug cut him off.

"Just trust me on this one. She's safe, I promise. I'll explain later."

"But that's the problem." Tom twisted his wedding ring around and around his finger nervously. "Marinette wasn't at the celebration. She stayed home."

"A lot of people who stayed home probably panicked at the commotion, went outside, and followed others to safety." Ladybug reassured. "She'll be just fine."

Sabine brought the cocoa, and Chat Noir and Ladybug picked them up and stood to leave, already enveloped in the warm aroma.

"Thank you so much," Ladybug added as they left. "Stay safe!"

The Dupain-Chengs nodded and closed the door to the bakery again, locking it and turning out the lights. Ladybug watched as they ascended the staircase to their living space.

Chat Noir and Ladybug walked until they reached a nice, flat-roofed building where they could converse peacefully.

They sat on the rooftop and sipped at their hot beverages for a minute or so. The silence was tense and anxious. Finally, Ladybug decided to speak.

"So," she began. "I guess we have a lot to talk about."

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