Chapter 8

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Shocked, Ladybug took a stumbling step back, and Chat wrapped his arm protectively around her.

"Yes," the voice laughed wickedly again. "It's me. And I'm here to get what I want." A cold breeze blew through the room. "And I think you already know what it is."

"No," Ladybug had meant to yell, but all that came out was a weak whisper. Hawkmoth was here. This was real. The enemy they'd fought for so long had actually shown up to face them himself. No more henchmen and villains. It was time for an actual face-to-face battle. Fear rose quickly and heavily inside of her. She looked out into the crowd and saw the fear in each person's face. Ladybug squeezed her eyes shut for a moment. She had to be brave. For them. "No." She said it loudly and clearly this time.

"Yes, little lady. I'm sure you know. And I'm sure you also know that I'll do anything to get them. Surrender your Miraculous immediately, or face the consequences."

"Are you really so stupid as to ask? You may as well know that while you may try, you'll never take the Miraculouses. Ladybug and I will never surrender, and we will always fight. We will always fight, and we will always win. We're stronger than you, and we're never giving up. We won't lose. We'll do what we need to. But you, you're the opposite. You always make others do your dirty work. we do our own. You're too much of a coward to even show your own face." Chat Noir stood his ground as he spoke fiercely, clearly, and confidently. The crowd was silent ad Chat and Ladybug stood still, waiting for the voice to reply.

"Oh, am I?" The deep voice no longer filled the room. However, it was still loud and threatening, and it came from right behind them.

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