Chapter 14

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"My, my. What a show," chuckled Hawkmoth, performing a stereotypical, shadowy, ominous entrance complete with slow clap. "You've really outdone yourselves. Tackling 3 villains at once. I must say: I'm quite impressed."
"We told you we'd win," hissed Chat Noir. "Now you may as well surrender."
Hawkmoth just laughed. "I won't be defeated just like that, little hero. In fact, I won't be defeated at all."
Swarms of white butterflies flew in from seemingly nowhere. Ladybug ducked and covered her head with her arms, swinging her yoyo wildly, but to no avail. They were pushing her backwards slowly. She'd never imagined what it would be like, being surrounded and attacked by butterflies. But now she know. And it wasn't pleasant. She spotted a glowing green light out of the corner of her eye, and turned to face it.
Chat Noir was plowing forward against the force of the butterflies. He was whirling his staff viciously, making a shield that sent butterflies spiraling off in all directions.
Ladybug copied him, doing the same with her yoyo. They seemed to be invisible to Hawkmoth. He saw them finally and swung his cane around at them. But too late. Chat knocked the cane from his hand and Ladybug lassoed him with her yoyo string tightly. She wasn't letting him get away. Hawkmoth was as good as captured.
"Let me go!" He shouted angrily.
"We're not finished with you!" Chat Noir turned to Ladybug. "May I?" He asked.
Ladybug nodded solemnly.
This was the moment. Of truth. The one they'd battled for so long was captured at last. But who was he?Slowly, Chat removed Hawkmoth's Miraculous. Butterflies scattered as he detransformed. And once the butterflies were gone, Chat Noir and Ladybug both screamed in shock.

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