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Vikram's POV

How can she question me? Nobody has ever questioned me and why is she doing this? I know how stubborn she is and she will not eat.

I went in the hall and saw untouched plate of sandwich on the dinning table and aunty told me that Angel told her she will not have her lunch.

This girl will be the death of me. It had been years and I don't even remember the last time I ate three times a day or the last time I slept the whole night, even my parents didn't say anything.
Yes, mom tried but after some time she gave up.

Maybe, it is normal for others but not for me.

I went in my office room and started working.

At 9 pm I went to the hall and in some minutes aunty served me dinner and then I asked her to go and ask Angel to come for dinner.

She came down and after some minutes I saw Angel coming down but she was not looking well.

She walked down the stairs but during the last step she fell down.

I ran towards her but she was not opening her eyes. I called her many times but she was not responding .I carried her upstairs to her room and called doctor.

After some time, uncle bought a doctor. Doctor came and checked her.

'There's nothing to worry as she had fainted due to lack of energy and she should have a proper meal and give her a glass of Glucon-D as soon as she wakes up,' he said.

'Thanks for coming within such a short notice,' I said and he asked me to call him if her condition deteriorates and then he will prescribe medicines.

I nodded and he left after taking his visit fee.

Aunty went to make Glucon-D for her.

'Why Angel? Why are you so stubborn?' I asked her, while I was playing with her hair.

Aunty kept the galss on the nightstand and left.

I know that she never skip meals as Rahul Jaywardhan will go crazy if angel skip meals even by mistake and today, for the first time she did it and her body gave up on her.

Why angel?

How will Rahul reacts if he knows that I hurt his daughter on the first day itself.

'Baby... please wake up,' I said and slowly she opened her eyes.

'How are you feeling? Do you need anything?' I asked.

'I am fine but my head is paining a lot,' she said slowly rubbing her forehead.

I helped her to sit on the bed and kept the pillows behind her head and gave her the glass.

She drank the whole glass and aunty came with dinner.

'Are you okay?' aunty asked and she nodded in a yes.

'Take care,' aunty said and left.

'From now on, I promise you, that from now on I will have my breakfast and lunch but please have your dinner,' I said and fed a bite of roti and potato curry.

'You will not eat?' she asked after I fed her 2-3 bites.

What am I gonna do with this girl?

I took her dad's company, took her away from her parents, friends and coffee shop and now also she is worried about me.

'I was in class nine, when a girl named Swati took admission in our class. She told me that she only have her dinner when one day I went to share my tiffin with her. I asked her the reason but she never told me. After some months due to weakness she fell from our school's stairs and then she was admitted to hospital but the doctors couldn't save her,' she told me.

'From that day I made sure the people I am acquainted with have a proper meal, three times a day,' she continued.

That's why she is asking me to eat.

She is really an Angel.

'I will go and have my dinner after I feed you. I promise.' I said feeding her a bite.

After I fed her the whole dinner, I stayed with her till she fell asleep and went and had my dinner as I promised her.

Ruhani's POV

I woke up and saw that it was 11 p.m. and after that I was not able to sleep.

I fainted... I mean seriously.

He is so healthy after having a proper meal once a day and I can't even stay a day without having food.

Maybe that's why I am healthy but Anaya says I have perfect curves but I know she says that so that I will not get upset.

I took my mobile from the table and called Anaya.

'Anaya am I fat? I mean, I can't stay a day without having proper food,' I asked as soon as she picked the call.

'Are you mad? Here I was sleeping and you called me just to ask this. No Ruhani, you are not fat, you have perfect curves and some people can't stay without food, it's not a big deal, now let me sleep,' she said and cut the call.


Maybe she was really tired.

I totally forgot that today she had to handle the whole cafe without me, and yes, Sameer is there but she can't be fully dependent on him.

Tomorrow I have to apologize to her.

I kept the phone on the table and drifted off to sleep.

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And we can see that which nobody did for past twelve years our Angel did it.

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