Part 2

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*The song on the side is Diamonds by Starboy Nathan

10 minutes into the lesson and I got to know George even more, I was so surprised how many things we had in common; we both loved music, played the guitar and a crazy obsession with monkeys. I know it might sound silly but it was cute I must say. "So where are your friends? Why are you sitting all alone in the corner Debbie?" as George looked at me with his gorgeous brown chocolate eyes. "I like sitting in the corner alone as it keeps me away from all the drama" as I lied to George as I didn't want to say to him that I didn't have any friends. Luckily George believed my story.

Anna's POV

As I walk into the classroom which smells the same and looks the same as any other school. But this one seemed to be different. Not the classrooms but the very fine looking boy with a blonde quiff sitting with these two other boys along with two other girls. My teacher pointed out to this girl with straight blonde hair sitting alongside this other girl with brunette curly hair. I walk over to the two girls and immediately introduce myself.

"Hi I'm Anna Williams" as I smiled at the two girls. "hi im Maria and this here is my best Samantha" as I looked at the brunette girl. "Actually I prefer to be called Sam for short".

We had a few laughs with each other and shared a few things in common; for example all 3 of us loved Rihanna, going out shopping and going out to clubs on either Friday night or Saturday night. I couldn't help myself looking at the boy with a blonde/ brunette quiff and muscular arms sitting alongside these other 2 good looking boys. What I didn't notice that his sparkling blue eyes kept meeting my green eyes. "hey Maria, who are those fine looking boys over there, specially the boy with the blonde quiff and muscular arms". Maria turned around to face me. "oh those gorgeous boys. They are our best friends, Josh, JJ and Jaymi. Sam is Jaymi's best friend and I'm JJ's best friend. But what he doesn't know is that I have a crush on him. But sadly Josh hasn't got any 'girl best friends' to keep him company". I thought to myself that I could change this very quickly and instead of being his 'girl best friend' he could be my boyfriend instead.

Josh's POV

I couldn't take my eyes of Anna. She was perfect in everyway. She had the most gorgeous green eyes I have ever seen, her long blonde hair waved so beautiful in the wind. It was as if god had sent down a angel from heaven. "Oi mr cassanova, are you down back on earth or in dreamland?" as my mate Jaymi snapped me out of what was the perfect reality dream ever "yeah I'm still here! What is it that you need this time Jaymi!" I snapped at him. "Woah easy tiger. Its just that you've been staring at the new girl for a while, whilst we have a new problem on our hands. Look" and Jaymi pointed over at the new boy, George talking to the minging girl Debbie.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Debbie talking to the new boy! This then gave me an idea. "Boys what if, we get George to be our friend and use him to find out what her weakness is and use that to our advantage" I let out a cheeky smirk.

I then turned my attention back towards Anna. I was determined to make her my girlfriend instead of my 'best friend' unlike Maria and JJ, cause I knew they were more than friends but never admitted to each other.


It was now our lunch time. Me and then boys sat on the field, along with Maria, Samantha and Anna. I couldn't take my eyes of her, she was that gorgeous and perfect in everyway. At this point I spotted my opportunity to ask her out as she went over to the bin to dump her rubbish away. I decided to walk over to the bushes near the trees and texted the boys and the girls saying:

"Sorry for the short notice, but can you tell Anna that she needs to meet me behind the bushes behind the trees xx Josh"

This was it. I was going to ask the girl of my dreams out, despite I only knew her less than a day. But that didnt bother me at all.

Anna's POV

I walk back over to Maria, Sam, JJ, and Jaymi, but Josh was no where to be seen. "JJ where did Josh go? He couldn't have magically disappeared just like that." as I look confused at my friends. "You might want to check out behind the bushes by the trees" as Sam pointed to the bushes by the trees. I thanked the girls and made my way over to the bushes by the trees, only to find him. Josh.

"Josh what are you doing back here?" I asked him as he got closer to me. "Josh, tell me whats going on NOW!!!". He took a deep breath "Anna, ever since you walked through that door, I couldn't take my eyes off you. I love everything about you, your gorgeous green eyes to your amazing smile that makes me feel so much better. W-What I'm trying to say is will you be my girlfriend, I can protect you and have someone caring by my side?".

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The boy who I had a crush on the minute I entered the door and seeing Josh, I knew I he would be my boyfriend but not this fast. But who cares. He's my boyfriend now and that's all that maters. "Yes, Josh I will go out with you. Do you wanna go out this Friday as a celebration?" without thinking Josh agreed with me and he crashed his lips against mine sending fireworks through my body.

Me and Josh walked back to the group (JJ, Jaymi, Maria and Samantha), before we heared a scream coming from Maria.

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