Part 7

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*The song on the is Little Mix- Move*

*One month later*

 Normal POV

 Me and Anna have been secretly going round to each others places to work on that ‘English assignment’, to be honest I’m starting to get fed up with it as I should be working with George on our Music coursework (as you might want to call it). Anna didn’t mind at all, since she had to practise her dance routine. She showed me her dance routine she was going to do for next weeks audition. She was going to dance to Move by Little Mix as she did say that whenever it comes on she has to turn the music up and bust out some moves.

If you may want to know me and George have been getting really close in the past few weeks. We’ve been to each others places working on our coursework together and watching horror films, even though horror films scare the living daylights out of me, George always assured me that if it was too much for me he would switch it off and put something else on. As long as it wasn’t a horror film I was okay with it.

Nothing has changed since I’ve started my new school. I still get bullied by the 3 idiots JJ, Josh and Jaymi along with Anna’s best friends Maria and Sam, although Anna seems like a really nice person, inside school she treats me like dirt. But I guess she’s doing that to so Josh and the others don’t see the soft side of Anna. Even though I only have George and Anna as my two best friends, I’ve only started to notice that Anna has been keeping a distance from me ever since we decided to take a break. But at least she’s focusing on her future and what she does best, dancing.

 JJ and Maria have got closer together, and even though they’re already a couple they still hide their feelings at school. As for Josh and Anna, what can I say about them? I think its fair to say that things have started to heat up between them. There is not one single time they’re all over each other, always kissing and hinting the slight touching on each other.

I mean there was this one time when me and Anna were working on the song together, and Josh kept on sending her texts, calling her and even Skyping her even though he knew not to disturb her. But a boy like Josh could never resist a girl like Anna.

 I can even recall the pair of them skyping and Josh took his top off to show Anna his toned abs and at one point Anna asked “you naked?” (luckily I was on the bed out of view from the laptop) and Josh just casually said “yeah, of course I am Anna. Got a problem with that?” he said which made Anna blush “babe, put some clothes on otherwise I’ll have to come round there a dress you myself”. Already I could see where this was going and I wasn’t enjoying it at all “if your soo desperate to dress me and see me naked why not come round and I’ll make you get undressed myself and I can do some work with you” I could sense the smirk on Josh’s face. “Josh shut it, you distracting me from my work! Look I better go as I’ve got other things to do” she said. “oeh I love it when you get angry, makes you ten times more sexier” Josh said with smirk still on his face (even though I couldn’t see I could tell he was). “Okay babe, I have to go now and do some ‘proper’ work unlike you” she said “You will one day have to see me naked babe and you’ll enjoy it” I could sense that Anna was loving this, but on the other hand she just wanted him to just shut up “Josh Cuthbert, I’m leaving this conversation, before it gets out of hands. Love you Josh” “Love you too babes”. God finally that’s over as it just made me cringe like hell that did.

Anna POV

So its been a month since I’ve joined my new school and what a month its been, Josh asking me out on the very first day, practicing for my dance routine that was happened this month. If you’re already wondering how my dance audition went. IT WAS FRICKING SHAMAZING!!! I danced to my favourite song Move by Little Mix. The judges loved the energy I gave in my performance. So I’m now in the next stage of the dance competition, as long as I got into the top 10 to be through I was happy since by then you were aloud to perform with the big names. My main focus was to either be on stage with Rihanna or Cheryl on tour.

Tonight I decided to celebrate by going out with my boy Josh and the rest of the boys (JJ, Jaymi and George) and of course the girls Maria, Sam and Debbie, although I didn’t technically want to bring her, I had to keep my eye on her as I don’t really trust that girl at all. Even though we both told our biggest secrets, I wasn’t taking the risk of leaving her at and not going anywhere near my place. I invited my best friend Chloe, from my previous school. Me and her go way back, we were mostly known as the trouble makers of the class as we just continued on talking to each other when the teacher was explaining something. But recently Chloe is going out with Liam, although I don’t like his other mates Harry, Zayn, Louis and Niall. He was the only one I got along with the most but Niall and I had frequent ‘friend’ fallouts, but we always made up and by the next day we were best friends. 

Me, Maria and Sam were getting ready at my place since my dad no longer lived with me as he’s off somewhere else. God knows where he is right now, but who cares I have a place to myself which meant that I could do whatever I wanted. “You looking forward to tonight girls” Sam said as she got some juice from the fridge. We all nodded “umm you do know I have a stash of booze in my ‘secret cupboard’” the girls looked at me very confused as to what I just said. “Umm Anna, your 17. We’re not aloud to drink alcohol underage” as Maria took a sip of orange juice “oh come on girls, we can have a little bit of fun. Besides we’re bound to get pissed at the party anyways” the girls sighed and I took out a bottle of vodka and poured it into the small shot glasses. “You can’t be serious Anna” as Maria got up from the stool along with Samantha “Maria, calm down will you. One shot of vodka wont do us harm, right Anna” I nodded and poured the vodka in the shot glasses (btw they’re doing vodka shots). We all gulped it down in one go and hid the vodka bottle away back in the ‘secret cupboard’.

 Already it was 5:30 and we agreed that we’ll meet the boys at 8pm at the club down at the centre of town. I chose to wear a black tight figure shoulder dress, to show my figure just for Josh to drool over and wore black heels to go with it. Maria chose to wear a tight red figure shoulder dress with some beads on the side and shoulder with beige high heels, and Samantha wore a cute blue sleeveless dress with a patterned black lace over it with matching blue heels. We all applied minimal make up as we don’t want to end up from those girls from Geordie Shore. After a final check we made our way downstairs “Damn girl, you look so fine. Josh will be all over you tonight” Sam said taking the sassiness to another level. We all laughed and I took one more vodka shot to get me going, knowing that I’ll get pissed anyway. By now we took the taxi to Chloe and Liams house, since they now live together.

When we arrived at the house Chloe and Liam we’re already out the house, ready to come and join us at the party. Chloe wore a cute light purple dress, similar to what Perrie wore at the BRIT Awards. “You girls just going to stand here all night and have a touching girl-to-girl talk or are we going to go out and party” Liam said to us. We smiled and got back in the taxi to the centre of town.

Debbie’s POV

This was the first time I was going out. I chose to wear a loose beige/red dress with two thin belts to make it more appealing and light red flats, as I’m not that kind of girl who can pull of high heels. I decided to curl my hair and applied little make up.

“Mum, I’m off to visit George place” I shouted and then grabbed my purse, keys and phone for emergencies and I double checked I had some money with me for the taxi there and back and last but not least the address of this club that Anna invited me to.                                                                            

I caught the taxi and headed off to the centre of town, fingers crossed I’m not being used as a puppet.  

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