Part 1

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Another day of hell at school. Like all days I wish I went to another school. Why did my parents never believe me that I was being bullied by 3 boys, who I hated a lot. I didn't make things better that there friends were just making my life a living hell, more than it already is. Oh almost forgot to introduce myself, my name is Debbie but Debz for short. If your wondering who these 3 boys that bully me at school since the age of 10 and I'm now 17. Yeah I know 7 years of being bullied and I've never stood up for myself to get it sorted.

Anyway back to these 3 boys that have been bullying me since I was 10. These boys were Jaymi, JJ and then there's their leader of the group, Josh. Ever since he's been bullying along with his other 2 friends and Maria (JJ's best friend) and Samantha, Sam for short (Jaymi's best friend). It also didn't help that they were the popular people at school.

Tomorrow would be the first day back at school after a long 2 month summer break. I hope there will be a new student who I'll be able to be friends with, as I don't have any friends at school. I know right, I'm a loner.

"Debbie you ready to go to school? The bus will be here soon. You don't want to be late on your first day" my mum shouted from downstairs. God I hated going on the school bus, what a way to start of your morning. I put on my uniform, grabbed my bag and walked out to the bus stop. Whilst walking towards the bus stop I put my headphones on and listened to Clown by Emile Sande.

The bus journey was once again a living hell, people nudging me, poking me and calling me names. When we arrived at school, I got of last to avoid being pushed. As I made my way into school towards my class and malking my way to the far corner and just pretending to look at my phone so I wouldn't get bothered.

"Excuse me bitch, but your in someone's seat" as Josh and his gang stood over me staring down at me with their eyes. "Oh sorry Josh, I'll move..I ..I promise I won't sit here again" I grabbed my bag and sat 1 row behind on the other side of the room so I wouldn't get bothered by those idiots.

"Okay class settle down, please. I know you all had a good summer break, but its finished now. We all don't want to expect a detention on the first day, do we now" as Mrs Ross stared at Josh and his gang "look miss it wasn't my fault, I was only trying to help out someone with their work, but they didn't want to." once again Josh came up with yet another of his sob stories. For some reason the teachers always nodded their heads and carried on whatever they were doing. "So as you may have heard we're getting 2 new students this year a boy named George Shelley and a girl named Anna Williams. So Maria you will be Anna's partner and Debz you can be George's partner". Everyone looked at me in shock as to why I was been given to be the new boys partner.

When Anna walked in I could sense that she would deffo be part of Josh's gang, as I turned my head round to Josh I could tell he liked her. I mean I couldn't blame him she was very pretty with her long straight blonde hair, and a nice slim body. Compared to me, I was just ugly in general, no guys would go for a geeky, ugly looking girl.

But then came George, omg he had the most adorable smile I've ever seen, his messy curly hair and his gorgeous brown eyes. I cannot believe I'm his partner to help him get to classes and hopefully get to know him better.

*the song on the side is Read All About It by Professor Green ft. Emile Sande*

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