Part 9

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*the song on the side: As Long As You Love Me by Backstreet Boys

Kayleigh's POV

I looked into my brother's eyes. His eyes go from a chocolate loving colour, to a dark red. It was times like this he scared the living daylight out of me. All I wanted to have some little fun, since he's always been taking care of Debbie. Wait, where is Debbie. George pulled me away from the guy and George dragged me by the arm outside. "KAYLEIGH WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR PLAYING AT?" George shouted at me in anger and hatred. "I- I w-wanted t-to h-have s-some f-fun" stuttering my words each time, not trying to cry.

Before he could say anything, I interrupted him by mentioning him about Debbie. "What do you mean Debbie is gone? Where is she? Was she here?" as George continuously blurted out questions. They were always about Debbie. Does George have a soft spot for Debbie? What was George trying to get across? If he fancied here why aren't they going out? These were just many questions going round my head at the time. George called for taxi and brought me back home. I wonder what was going through his head right now?

George POV

No one mentioned that Kayleigh was going to be at the club, I thought she wouldn't be that kind of girl who would go to clubs. But who invited her? How did she know the boys, the girls and I were there? Was she okay? I know I haven't mentioned to the boys that I have a soft spot for her. I mean I don't get it why they have to be soo mean and horrid to such sweet and innocent girl like her.

We finally arrived back home, paid the taxi and carried my sister inside. She fell asleep on the way back home. Luckily both of us were very much sober, since alcoholic drinks were not my type anyway. I opened the door and closing the door behind me. If my parents were here, they would ground both of us for months. But they're not here. I got Kayleigh out of her dress and into her pyjamas, and made sure she was safely tucked in her warm coazy bed.

I sent Debbie a couple of texts to ask her if she's okay and got home safely. I genuily like her, but I wont admit it to anyone as I want to keep it as a secret for now. I got changed into my pyjamas and climbed into bed, and fell asleep.

Debbie POV

I was crying heavily on my bed. The thought of what Josh and Anna said about me hurt me inside. Was it really true what they said about me? Was I no hit wonder with the guys? Doubt even George will surpass the thick skin through me. I mean luck at me, I'm not even good lucking as all the other girls at school.

I got changed into my pyjamas and lied down in my bed. My phone buzzes and I pick it up and slide my finger across the screen to unlock it. To my surprise I got 3 texts from George. First text read: "George: hey Kayleigh, I just want to say if you're okay xx George". Text 2: "George: hope you got home safely, maybe want to hang out tomorrow just me and you, to get to know each other more xx George" and the final text he wrote to me melt my heart, text 3: "George: sorry for texting you at this hour but I want to say that I'm not like those other guys at school. If you feel like you need someone to hug you and comfort you, come over to my place and you can meet my adorable little sister Kayleigh *insert love heart* xx George", at times like this I just want to hug George, does he actually like me? If we just remained as friends this would be okay with me, but going out would be a dream come true. With that I switched my phone off and fell asleep.

Samantha POV

I looked at the time and noticed it was getting late and both JJ and Maria were drunk as fuck, but although Jaymi loves to party he was slightly drunk but not too much. "Jaymi I think its time we head back home and get the two drunk love birds back home as well" I raised my voice over the loud music. Jaymi glanced over at JJ and Maria and agreed with me. I got up and carried Maria outside, whilst Jaymi helped carrying JJ outside. Liam and Chloe were already gone as the loud music was deafning Chloe's ears, so Liam brought her back to his place. Liam was such a lovely guy to speak to along with Chloe and get to know a little bit more about Anna's past.

Jaymi got 2 taxi's as I would bring Maria back to my place whilst Jaymi would bring JJ back to his place, since they practically share a flat together. I said goodnight to Jaymi, got in the taxi and headed back to my place.

When I got home I made sure Maria had some water and a paracetemol to reduce her hangover she would have the next day. I helped carrying her up to her room and placed her into the spare bed. I then went to my room and fell asleep on my bed.

Anna POV

Being a gentleman he is, Josh got us a taxi back to his place to crash out for the night. "God you look soo hot in that dress, I could fuck you right now" breathing in his alcoholic breath. "I know you do babe but your drunk and I would rather have sex with someone who's sober rather than a drunken idiot. Not that you are an idiot of course" I said looking out the window. Sometimes I wonder if this boy is taking this all to fast. Yes I know Josh and I have been going out for a month, but I want to wait for the right moment.

We both arrived back at Josh's house, we both paid half the price of the taxi fare since Josh was being fussy about having to pay the whole ride, but I insisted of paying at least half the price. I got out and helped Josh get into the house since he was slightly drunk. I helped him get up to his room and onto his bed. I then left him there to fetch some water and paracetemol for him to have so he wouldn't have a bad headache in the morning.

I helped Josh get undressed and get him in bed, I shortly followed him by doing the same by putting on my spare pyjamas I tend to leave here in case I stayed over at his place. We both cuddled up and I fell asleep, safely in Josh's strong arms.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2014 ⏰

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