Part 5

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*the song on the side is Always Be Together by Little Mix*

Anna's POV

"Anna who just sent you a text message?" as Josh peaked over my shoulder to try and read the text message from Debbie, but I locked the screen.

"Uhhh......." as I tried to come up something real fast so that Josh wouldn't find out that Debbie texted me. "Hello? Earth to Anna" as Josh snapped me out of my 'dreamland' "sorry bout that babe, I was daydreaming" I lied to him, but luckily he believed me which was a sign of relief. "Bet you were dreaming bout me and you in bed together" winked Josh. "No, Josh!! Just no! I was just thinking about the event that's coming up next month, that's all" I gave him a smile and before you know it he made contact with my lips. God this boy would never stop kissing me even unexpectely. He asked me for entrance to allow his tongue to enter. I wish me and Josh could stay like this, but I knew I couldn't as Josh had Chemistry next. We eventually pulled away to catch a breather. "Damn Anna you turn me on so bad. Why can't you just come over to my place after Chemistry".

I turned away from him to gather my things to head over to the changing rooms "Sorry Josh, I'm fully booked tonight due to homework and dance practice tonight". I saw how disappointed he was. "Josh, I just wanna take things slowly all right. I've only just known you for less than a day. I would rather wait for a couple of months before we can go to the next level" I smiled at him and he returned his. "Anyways I have to go to the changing rooms to get changed into my uniform since I've got to go home, as my parents hate seeing me not wearing the uniform" I sighed. "That's okay babe, I'll see you tomorrow then. Love you" as he gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Love you too babes" I said as he headed out of the door.

Sometimes I do wonder what goes through his head sometimes. I want to take this slowly. I already have a hard time back at home, cooking, paying the bills, two jobs, homework and other housework. If you haven't found out already, I live on my own. My mum died from cancer when I was 5 and my dad has been taking care of me ever since. But since I'm 17, my dad got me a flat to live in as he's gone off with his girlfriend and helping me pay the bills and school fees. When I say I have two jobs, what I actually meant was that I work as a pole dancer at a night club.

You might be wondering 'why is a 17 year old school girl working as a pole dancer at a club?' and the reason I was doing it, because my dad thought it would be a good place to earn lots of money. To be fair, I am getting paid quite well for a young girl such as myself. But my real dream was to become a dancer and perform onstage with the some of the big names, but two in particular was my girl crushes: Rihanna and Cheryl. But only time will tell. 'Never say Never' as Justin Bieber would say.

Normal POV

I was now heading towards the dance studios where I would meet up with Anna. When I arrived at the dance studios, I noticed Josh was there snogging Anna, as if she was her meal. God I hated him so much. I then noticed he was heading for the door (luckily he was walking backwards) so I ran to the girls toilets just round the corner and waited for roughly 10 minutes till he was gone. I slowly opened the door and peaked my head out of the door and scanned the room for him. He was nowhere to be seen. 'Phew, he's gone' I said to myself.

But when I got out of the bathroom, I bumped into him. When I mean him, I mean Josh. The one person I didn't want to bump into. "Watch where you're walking you skanky bitch," he said as he pushed against the wall and grabbing hold of t-shirt collar. "Why are you down here, Debbie?" His eyes filled with anger and hate, I never had the courage to stand up for myself. So I took my chance "I was off to see Anna, to talk about the English homework". When I said that his grip got even tighter on my arms and trying to hide away the tears of pain. "You better keep your filthy hands of my girlfriend. Just cuz your working with my girlfriend doesn't mean that she'll be your friend!" he spat at me making me shiver in fear. Josh then released me from his strong grip before he added, "If I see the two of you anywhere near each other. I promise I'll make your life a living hell!" he said as he let go.

Then Josh and I got interrupted by the arrival of Anna. "Josh babe, what seems to be the trouble?" she asked whilst looking at Josh looking at him confused. "Apparently, Debbie was off to see you bout the English assignment" I looked at Anna hoping that she would back me up, but I wrong "I never asked her to meet me down at the dance studios for the English assignment" my eyes widened at what she just said to him. "Josh, there's nothing to worry about here. Anyway should you be heading of to Chemistry with Jaymi" he nodded and headed off to Chemistry.

I followed Anna back into the dance studio "why did you lie about me meeting you at the dance studio to work on English?" There was a slight pause before Anna broke the silence. "Debbie, look I don't want Josh to know didn't want to know about me and you being 'friends', even though we're not officially friends as I can't trust you fully enough to tell you my secrets that no one must never know about. I can only trust my best friend Chloe" *she comes in later in the fanfic *. It took me sometime to process what she just said to me. Was I really not a 'good friend'? Was I not good enough for her? I mean she is very beautiful and had a slim body, where as I was the opposite as my body wasn't slim nor was I beautiful to have a boyfriend.

"Is it okay you can come over to my place to work on English" I looked at Anna in shock. Did she really want to come round to my house, knowing that Josh will kill me if he sees me with Anna? "What about Josh, won't he mind if he sees the two of us together as friends?" I looked at her worryingly into her green eyes. "Don't mind Josh, he's my problem. If he thinks it's not okay for me to work with other people other than my friends. Besides he'll listen to me what I say to him". I knew this was good news for me when it came to Josh. I mean if I were friends with Anna, this would mean when Josh is being annoying to me, Anna could defend me and Josh would just go away.

Once Anna got all her stuff together, we made our way out of college and headed towards my place. I was slightly nervous about taking Anna to over to my place, even though my dad works late hours and my mum comes home round 4pm to make the evening dinner. I just hope that Josh doesn't see me walking with Anna out of the college grounds. I hope that Anna has a good reason, to back me up.

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