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Ashlyn woke up early, like she's used to.

She dressed up and put her soccer shoes on. She enjoyed taking a little walk during sunrise just to see the nature waking up. She threw a quick glance at Ali, who was obviously still sleeping. Smiling like an idiot, she closed the door behind her without a single noise. She began to walk on her own, thinking about the dark haired girl she was sharing the room with.

During the recent holidays, the Kriegers invited her to celebrate Ali's brother Kyle birthday. She met her mother, and immediately connected with Kyle, who was an extra-sweet boy. The four of them, along with a few of the boy's friends, spent amazing moments. Ashlyn had the feeling that something was growing inside of her, and it had something to do with the way she felt when the defender was around her. Anytime Ali would touch her or even speak to her, Ash felt the urge to protect her and to be her person.

She knew they're gonna have a strong connection since the day they met during a training in Washington few years ago. Ali made her feel special, and that scared her to death. She didn't want to hurt her.

- Ash ! a voice shouted not far away.

Ashlyn turned around to see Whitney, her long-time best friend, walking towards her. The pair walked about an hour together, speaking about soccer and memories from college and before. Both of them were feeling like their secrets were safe with each other.

That's why Ash asked to Whit :

- Do you think you can fall in love with someone and hide it forever ?

Whit gave her a concerned look.

- It depends...

- On ?

- It depends on if you are ready to suffer to keep your secret safe. Who are we talking about exactly ?

Ash's eyes fell on the ground, and Whit gave her a little smile before putting her and on the blonde's shoulder like she used to do for years now.

- It's Ali, isn't it ? Whit asked, but she didn't need an answer. I saw the way you looked at her, and the way you don't want to ruin you guys friendship. I know it is freaking terrifying to admit your feelings, especially to your best friend. I know. But I don't want my girl to get hurt if she's not ready to suffer from love.

- Thanks, Whit.

- What for ?

- Well, being my sis, I guess.

The discussion was cut short as they approached the eating room where several teammates of theirs were already eating breakfast. They sat at Pinoe and Kelley's table. The two girls were already fully awake and didn't loose a second to greet Ash and Whit.

- Hey girls, what's up ? Pinoe asked before giving them high fives.

- Not a thing, what about your "flat-sharing" with Long ? Whitney asked, smiling.

- Well, let's say she's not very talkative.

They all laughed before speaking about the program of the day. They were having a physical training first thing in the morning, and this afternoon a match simulation. Ashlyn like those, especially since she got to play for one of the "teams". She didn't mind being in Hope's shadow - they were good friends and she knew Hope deserved to play. This girl was a legend. But she enjoyed having some playtime too. 

One hour later, they all were working out on their own, as Dawn was watching them.

- Man, I think our cinnamon rolls had a fight, Kelley said. I mean, look at them ! They haven't talked yet, and we've been here for a day !

Lindsey nodded her head, and Morgan looked around the room to see JJ lifting weight and chatting with Kling on the one side, and Christen exercising on the other side. They usually spent the day together, always smiling at each other and messing around.

Tobin, who overheard Kelley's thinking, said :

- I'll ask JJ this afternoon. But I agree with Kels, there definitely is something going on between the two of them.


Hope was standing at her goal, looking around peacefully. Becky was on her team, along with Carli and few others. She didn't have to move a bit, since The Brunn was doing her job very well, blocking both Alex and Allie before they had a chance to score.

She caught herself at glaring at Carli the whole time, enjoying the way she moved and played. Without even knowing it, she felt strangely attracted to the girl she called her best friend. Pushing those thoughts away, Hope got ready for a shot from Alex, that hit the far post before landing on Allie's feet. She took a chance and shot as well. Hope was able to make a magnificent save before hitting the ground.

A round of applause was given to her, and she saw Carli approaching her with self-confidence, as always.

- Well done, Hopey, she said with a killer smile on her lips.

- Thanks, Hope said before looking at her friend, who was already going back to her position.

Few seconds later, she scored against Ashlyn.

Hope had this weird impression that Carli was the only one who truly got her. Like, when Jeramy and her divorced a year ago, Hope didn't want to see anyone, but Carli showed up to her flat and claimed to only be here for a girls night. They ended up talking for hours, sharing stupid stories and worries. Carli wasn't afraid of her like half of the team was. She was able to predict whenever Hope would be angry or sad, or when it wasn't a good idea to talk to her or mess with her. Hope was pretty sure that Carli saved Pinoe and Kelley's life several times.

Once the first day of training was over, Hope removed her gloves and put them on their cover. Carli joined her on the way back to the hotel.

- Feels good, uhn ? Carli asked with a happy tone.

- Yeah, it sure does.

Even Hope didn't know if she was still talking about soccer, or about the fact to have Carli close to her again. "C'mon Hope, you can't be in love with your best friend, she deserves so much better than a former alcoholic and violent person." she thought to herself before staring intensively at the ground.

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