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Hope woke up earlier than the did usually. She tried to move, but couldn't. She found a brunette just next to her, cuddling on her side. Hope had her arm wrapped around her, and Carli was peacefully resting her head on the keeper's chest. The tall dark-haired was feeling so great right know ; this was her paradise. After waiting for Carli for so many years, she finally was able to kiss her forehead in a protective way, or cuddle with her all night long.

The brunette finally opened her eyes, blinded by the light of the early day. She grumbled, holding Hope's body closer to hers. Their legs were tangled together, and the midfielder was burying her face on Hope's neck. The tall girl didn't want to move a bit, in order to let her girl take the time she needed to get up. But the thing was that Carli wasn't determined to leave her side either. It was the first night they slept in the same bed, in Carli's room. Since she was the captain, she had a double bed, and invited her to come. They didn't do anything but sleep, but it felt to Hope that this was definitely a great step in their "relationship", or whatever it was.

Carli straightened herself up, facing Hope.

- Hey, she said, kissing Hope softly.

- Hey, beautiful girl, Hope said, a big smile on her face. Did you sleep well ?

- I love being in your arms, Carli simply said, an innocent face on.

- Uhm yeah ?

Hope pulled her into another kiss, filled with love and gentleness. They parted, looking into each other's eyes. Carli suddenly seemed to feel uncomfortable, and Hope knew it wasn't because of her.

- What do we say to the others when they'll see us get out of my room in the same time ? she asked, anxious.

- Babe, we used to sleep in the same room when we were best friends, Hope reminded her.

- "Were" best friends ?

- Don't.

She once again wrapped Carli into a tight hug, reversing their positions. She found herself on top of the brunette, and planted a small peck on her lips.

- Besides, nobody suspects anything, Carli added.

- Well, Allie may have figured it out..., Hope slowly said.

Carli's eyes went wide. She got up very fast, escaping Hope's embrace. The tall keeper looked at her, amused. Carli freaking out was very funny to see. It was like that one time when those little insects that scared her so much were on her bed, and Hope had to kill them for her because she was busy with getting on a chair.

- What ? You told her ? Carli exclaimed.

- No ! She's no dummy, she's highly observant, that's all, Hope said, hands up. I respect what you said : we'll take our time.

- Will she shut her mouth ?

- I think so. I've got something on her that will keep her quiet.

Carli frowned, before laying back on Hope's arms. The keeper planted a small kiss on her forehead, before saying :

- Don't worry babe, I've got this under control.


- NO WAY ! HAO snapped.

Pinoe was laughing in the corner of the room. She just splashed some icy water on the light brunette in between training sessions. The others were sitting on the bench, recovering from the physical part of the day. Heather chased Pinoe down, and they made at least three back an forth from a goal to the other. Hope and Carli were on another bench, in a deep talk because their eyes wouldn't leave each other. The team wasn't asking questions, since the two have always been best friends and were always the kind to have deep conversations.

Jill called the girls, and training resumed. After several minutes, she decided to split the team in two, in order to make a simulation match. Kelley was running as fast as she could, enjoying playing soccer like she always was. But her enthusiasms wasn't always beneficial : she tackled Allie, who fall on her. The two were knocked down, and the blonde let a small scream out. Kelley immediately straightened up, and checked on Allie.

- I'm so sorry ! Oh Gawd, I'm such a stupid person ! Kelley said, freaking out. Are you okay ? Are you hurt ? Did I hurt you ? What do you need me to do ? I could...

- Kels, chill, Allie cut her.

The Georgia girl looked at her in shock. In this moment, she was feeling like her and Allie were all alone. Lost in her thoughts - and in Allie's blue gaze - Kelley didn't notice that her hand was touching Allie's stomach. She removed it from here, slightly blushing. Time seemed to stop, as Allie was looking at her in shock.

She then broke the awkward silence :

- I'm fine.

She got up, taking Kelley's hand. As they were face to face, Allie looked down at the brunette's lips. She was way taller than her, and this height difference was very attractive. Allie shook her head, as Kelley was biting her lips.

- Good, she whispered, breathless. Imma... hum, go.

She ran back to her position, while Allie was doing the exact same thing. As she was standing next to Christen, the brunette was still staring at the midfielder. She was so screwed, she was aware ; she couldn't be with Allie. Ever. Alex, who knew her very well, said to Hope the other day that she didn't stand a chance. Of course, Kelley was stubborn. But she didn't want her heart to get broken for a girl that didn't like her back.

She was given a elbow in the ribs. Christen was looking at her with a smirking face on, and Kelley blushed.

- Stop eye-fucking her, Kels, you're too obvious, she said jokingly.

- Well, at least I didn't half rape her, Kelley said sharply.

Christen's eyes went wide, and she ran away from her friend. The message was very clear : if she said something about Allie, Kelley would speak about Julie. She wasn't really into blackmailing, but she needed this as a cover. Like a bulletproof jacket, because if Allie ever knew that Kelley liked her way too much, she might end their friendship.

"Why is she so hot ? I mean, she ain't no soccer player ; she's a freaking model." Kelley thought, preventing herself from looking in Allie's direction. "Pretend not to like her, and everything will be okay."

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