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That was it.

Last day of camp was here. The girls practiced all morning long, trying to give their everything on the game and for their physical health. It was the end of the way, and also they all knew some players had to be cut from the final 18. It was their last time training all together, and the only person that wasn't sad about it was Sonnett. In fact, she was looking forward to take some distance from Sam, because she was taking too much space in her thoughts.

Julie and Christen, on the other hand, were being the ultimate love birds of the team. Now that everybody knew about them, they didn't have to hide their feelings anymore. Christen could look at her for hours without anyone making a comment, and Julie was able to take her hand without her teammates questioning them. Ash and Ali also came out to the team, and it wasn't a surprise to anyone. Pinoe was the happiest, because her two favorite ships were sailing. Also, Pinoe was a real fangirl.

When the final hour of practice was over, Carli gathered the team together. They were standing in a circle, all together.

- Whatever happens next, whoever won't make it to the Olympics, I wanted y'all to know that I'm very proud of you. Each single one of you are incredible individuals, wonderful players and even better friends. I know there is a lot of pressure on us because we won gold last year. I don't know about you, but I'm ready to fight and bring my country another gold medal !

They all nodded in agreement.

- It's time to say goodbye now. But not for long ; don't forget to train each and every day, because it can make a difference on the field. Please, no injuries - I say that especially to Kriegs, who didn't make it in 2012 - and no love drama.

She looked at Presston and Krashlyn very intensively, making everyone laugh.

- And last but not least : I love you guys.

They all hugged each other. Smiled and tears were on their faces, as they headed to their hotel for the final time. Few hours later, they were all in different flights, heading home.

Olympics were right at the corner.


Julie went in Palos Verdes Peninsula with Christen, in order to meet her family and friends. Press's mother was the one to invite her daughter's girlfriend where she grew up, happy that her beautiful girl finally found the love of her life.

Tobin, Allie and Lindsey flew back to Portland, where they were welcomed by hundred of the Thorns supporters. Before leaving, Allie gave Kelley a heart bracelet, just to remind her that they'll meet again soon.

Alex, along with Ali, Ash and Maisie, went back to Orlando. Servando was waiting for Alex in the airport, and apologized for being such a dick. Even though Alex was feeling attracted to Tobin, she decided to give him a second chance. On the other hand, Ali and Maisie were getting along very well, and the brunette even met her girlfriend's family in the airport.

Pinoe and Hope flew back to Seattle. The blonde drove straight home, in order to see her girlfriend again. Carli joined the goalkeeper several days later, as she moved out of the house she shared with Brian. Both were happy to find each other again, and Carli secretly moved in with Hope.

The others went back to their hometowns, finding their families and friends again.

Only one and a half month was left before the Olympics, and the pressure was growing.

Hi guys,

Since you were a lot to vote for the sequel during the off-season, I decided to grant your requests ! Coming soon will be "USWNT story 2.0", and I tell you : you're not ready for what's coming.

Of course, you can still send me requests, and I'll try my best to please y'all.

Thanks for all your votes and comments.

See ya soon.

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