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- Hey, sleepy head, time to wake up, Ali said in a very sweet voice.

Ashlyn was facing the wall, still asleep, while the defender was caressing her beautiful blond hair for about fifteen minutes now. Ash grunted reluctantly, as Ali was trying to get up. Her hand got caught in Ash's, who didn't want her to leave her side. Ali stayed by her side, wrapping her arm around her hips, burying her face on the goalkeeper's hair. 

When she finally opened her eyes, Ali let a small laugh out of her mouth. Ash tuned to face her, and their faces were only inches apart. 

- Hey. 

- It's raining cats and dogs, Ali said, staring at the goalie's lips. Training got cancelled. 

- So why did you wake me up ? 

- Well, considering that it's almost twelve and that I've been stuck in your arms for hours, I thought it was a good idea that you finally get up. Besides, I wouldn't disturb your sleeping circles. 

- So why didn't you wake me up sooner ? Ashlyn teased.

They both knew exactly were this discussion was going to lead. Ashlyn wanted to hear something, and Ali was kinda forced to admit it :

- You look beautiful when you sleep. 

She slightly blushed, and Ashlyn's face lightened with a big smile. 

- And you were so quiet, it was quite a relief ! Ali added. 

Ashlyn laughed, before pulling Ali into a tight hug. They remained in that position for several minutes, before Ali let go of her embrace. 

- I am lucky to have you, Ash. Thank you for being so understanding. I swear that I won't let you go, unless you can't wait for me...

The goalkeeper her put her finger on Ali's lips. 

- I can wait a lifetime for you, babe

Ali naturally planted a gentle kiss on Ashlyn's lips, before getting up and taking a shower. The blonde remained still, a silly smile on her lips. 


- Kelley, we need to talk ! 

The Georgia girl didn't want to stop running, so Allie had to chase her down. She knew the light brunette was going for a run every morning by the beach, in the same spot, so all Allie had to do to find her was getting up a little earlier. But Kelley didn't seem in the right mindset for a talk. The blonde didn't know how to react, so she ran next to her in silence. 

After several minutes, Kelley abruptly stopped. 

- Okay, let's talk ! she said.

- Great, so...

- But if it's about my birthday party, I don't remember anything between midnight and four AM, so I'm sorry if I did something wrong. 

- O-oh, Allie let out, relieved. 

Kelley smiled at her. She seemed a little bit worried, so Allie lied :

- Nothing happened, I just wanted to know how was your brother doing ? I know you guys spent the day together yesterday.

- What, were you spying on me ? Kelley asked with a smirk on her face. 

- No no no no, I wasn't spying I- Allie stammered, before pulling it together. Heather told me ! 

- Heather wasn't even here, dummy.

- So I guess it was Alex who told me, she quickly said, trying to hide her nervousness. 

- Okay, Long, relax, I was kidding, Kelley finally said. I like talking with you, but I have to finish my morning run, otherwise I'll me in bad spirits. 

- I won't keep you any longer, Allie concluded, relieved. 

- See ya !

She looked at Kelley, who was running on the opposite way now. Allie shook her head, walking towards the hotel. Her head was a mess. She didn't know what to think about her and Kelley's relationship. They were always friends, for years now. How could she possibly want to kiss her during a party ? She couldn't believe that she was attracted to a girl. Allie always has been the kind of girl to dream about fairy tales and Prince Charming. She's ever been dating guys until now, how could this change ? 

She came across Carli, who was also walking. They decided to spend some time together, since Allie was the person Carli knew the less in the team. She also owed her one for changing rooms with her when she fought with Hope. 

- I heard that things got better between you and Alex, Carli peacefully said. It's a great thing, and not only for the team but for both of you. You have a really good dynamic, along with Tobin. 

The captain was talking here. Allie let out a small smile. She wanted to yell at Carli and Hope was a good person, and that she was so fondly in love with her that she could throw herself under a bus to save Carli's life. But she didn't say anything, because after all, it was none of her business. 

As they were walking alongside, talking about the team and everything, Carli suddenly froze. Allie nearly collapsed into her. When she looked up, she saw something that she would never have thought to see in Carli's eyes : fear. She looked in the same direction than Carli was, and discovered the tallest man the blonde has ever seen. It was a black man, a beer on his cheeks, a baseball cap on his head. His eyes were inexpressive, and he didn't seem to look for trouble.

When the man stopped just in front of them, Allie felt the tension between the two. She assumed first that this guy was Carli's ex. But it wasn't the case. Carli wouldn't be afraid of one of her exes. She was shaking like a leaf, just as if her self-confidence just faded. She was trying to get it together, Allie could see it. She stayed by her side to show her some support. It was like if the man was a ghost from Carli's past.

And he was. 

- Jerramy, Carli slowly said. What are you doing here ?  

Definitely not Carli's ex boyfriend.  

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