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Ashlyn had some problems with her heart.

During the whole day, she couldn't take her eyes away from Ali. Everytime the defender was laughing or speaking, she felt attracted to the spot where her friend was. Yesterday, as the brunette was skyping with her brother, Ash heard Kyle say something like "where's ma other love bird at?" and Ali quickly said something to him, lowering her voice. Confused, Ash didn't know how to act around her best friend anymore. 

And the problem was that she promised Ali to spend the afternoon with her, since they were on a day off. They were now on a car, and the keeper was driving. Ali said she was gonna take her to a place she discovered several years ago, and that she never showed it to anyone. Ashlyn was thrilled to be the first one to be taken here, even though she was scared to death ; she felt uncomfortable with Ali in a certain way.

They arrived in a cliff that showed a wonderful landscape. They got out of the car and walked ahead of them. Ali grabbed Ashlyn's hand and took her off guard. The blonde shivered and couldn't say a single word. Of course Ali has grabbed her hand before, but this time butterflies were flying in Ashlyn's stomach. 

They stopped just before a security barrier, and Ali turned to face her friend, who was shaking but tried not to show it. 

- Do you know why I chose this place and this date ? she asked shyly. 

Ash shook her head, too surprised to respond. 

- Today is out 5 years anniversary, Ash. 

The goalkeeper's eyes widened. 

She will always remember their first meeting. It was just before a training, and Ashlyn was terrified by the idea of having her first match for Washington Spirit. Ali came to her and comfort her with nothing but a smile. Ash felt a warm feeling inside of her, a feeling that never left ever since. Everytime she looked at the defender, that feeling came back. 

Ali's eyes went wet. 

- Ali, don't cry..., Ash weakly said. 

- I'm... so happy to have you in my life, Ash, you've not idea how much you inspire me everyday. I like every part of you, from your dark humor to your anger whenever you feel like you've not done enough. I'm so glad to have found my "person". 

Ash didn't know what to say. 

"Fuck it", she said to herself before grabbing Ali's face. She leaned in and their noses touched. Ash looked at Ali to see her reaction, and saw the defender's eyes closed. She filled the space between them. Their lips met, and Ash's head was a mess. Ali kissed her back, putting her hands on her best friend's hips. It lasted less than thirty seconds before Ali pulled away, a shocked expression on her face. She took several steps back. "Shit", Ash said to herself before crossing her arms on her chest. 

Ali was shaking.

- Oh my.... I'm so sorry, It was wrong of me to kiss you back. I... 

- Just, forget it, okay ? Ash said before turning back. Let's go back to camp. 

- Ash...

But the blonde was already walking towards the car, leaving Ali in shock. She shook her head and followed her. They didn't say a world on the way back to the hotel. 


As Allie, Alex, Tobin and Kelley were playing Monopoly, Becky found her way towards Hope, who was sitting alone, listening to some music. The Brunn sat next to her in silence, waiting for the GK to remove her earphones out of her ears. Once she's done that, Becky looked at her very seriously, making Hope feel uncomfortable.

The defender put a hand on her shoulder.

- Hopey, you're my friend, and Carli is too. That's why I feel free to say that you two at total idiots from A to Z. 

The tall dark-haired girl gave her a death look.

- What happened between Carli and I is none of anyone's business but ours, she replied coldly.

- Right, Becky said. But you two better talk about it, otherwise it'll affect the team, and I know it's neither of you want right now. So get your lazy ass out of this chair and go talk to your friend. 

With that said, Becky stood up and walked straight at Whitney and Alyssa, who were watching a football match airing in the television. Hope rolled her eyes. She lifted her eyes and saw Carli. Immediately, her heart started racing. She didn't want to go and talk to her. The truth was that she was afraid. Afraid enough to risk their friendship. 

She walked quickly out of the room, feeling Carli's gaze on her neck. She ignored it and went straight to her room, that she found empty. "God bless Monopoly", she thought. She took her wallet out of her back, searching for money to buy water. She saw a picture of grandma Alice, and felt her heart melt. What would she say if she was still here ? Alice loved Carli. What if she knew her granddaughter was maybe in love with her ? Hope knew she would've told her to follow her heart. But Hope never followed her heart. 

For her point of view, following her head was more important. The heart needed the brain to work, so obviously she must block her growing feelings for Carli before being completely hooked to the brunette. 

Few minutes later, Allie came in and found Hope asleep on her bed. She smiled and put a cover on her body before joining Tobin and Alex to finish their Monopoly game.   

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