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Kelley drove the car off a cliff. The sight seemed unreal : the see stretched far off, and it was high enough for them to see the whole town on the other side. Allie's jaw opened when Kelley removed her hands of her eyes. It was a calm stop, where they were alone, just the two of them. Kelley began to tense, because it was somewhere she's never taken anyone. The blonde midfielder was the first person to enter this side of her. They sat on the grass, facing the see. Kelley had brought a picnic, and they ate it within ten minutes, talking about everything.

Suddenly, Kelley couldn't stand it anymore.

- This is where my sister killed herself.

Allie's eyes went side, as she was looking at her friend. The brunette didn't look back, her attention caught by the landscape. It was breathtaking. She knew her sister decided to end it here because she knew it was Kelley's safe place. It was a way to say "It's not your fault, little sis', Imma stay with you forever." Allie had figured that out already. She took Kelley's hand. It seemed like a natural move, since their hands were fitting perfectly.

Kelley didn't notice it right away, but she was crying. Having Allie by her side made her feel full again, like if the blonde was her remedy to grief, fear and sadness. When she looked at the blonde, she shivered. She knew that this feeling wouldn't go away. Ever.

Allie suddenly got up, taking Kelley by surprise. She helped her get up, and then took her phone out of her pocket. She then connected it to the car loudspeaker, and it began to play when she knew was the Georgia girl's favorite song. Creep, the cover performed by Tears for Tears. Kelley began to cry even more, and Allie walked slowly towards her. She stretched out her hand ; it was a dance invitation. Kelley took it right away, and wrapped her arms around Allie's neck. The blonde held her tight, and Kelley buried her face on her hair. She was smelling very good, and Kelley suspected her to have used some fancy parfume, a thing she never did usually.

Kelley felt her heart racing. She looked up at Allie - who was taller than her, obviously - and the butterflies started flying on her stomach. She couldn't help but stare at Allie's lips, that she thought were so attractive. Allie's hands settled on the brunette's back, right in the hollow, and they started leaning in. But Allie suddenly stopped Kelley, who was only inches away from her.

- Kels, it's not a good idea, she murmured, tensing up.

- Shut up and kiss me.

It didn't take too long for Allie to make a decision. She pulled her closer, and their lips met. The kiss was hesitant at first, but then they went all in. Without the alcohol effect, Kelley's feelings were even stronger. She kissed back with passion, but also despair : she knew it was only a moment, and then everything would become normal again.

Allie stopped the kiss, and pressed her forehead several seconds on Kelley's, before she let go of the brunette. She didn't seem angry, but definitely confused. She was breathless, and Kelley secretly hoped it was because she's enjoyed the kiss more than she would've want to.

- Kelley, I...

- Don't worry, I remember what you said the other day, the Georgia girl whispered. Now, let's not make it awkward and pretend like nothing happened.

- You and I both know we can't do that, Allie said slowly.

Kelley's eyes went wide.

- Let's enjoy the sun before going home, okay ? Allie asked.

Her friend nodded, confused. She knew at that very moment, when she was looking at Allie admiring the sight, smiling slightly, that she was madly in love with her.


Ali was nervous.

She knew that Ashlyn had something very important to tell her, and someone she wanted her to meet. Since the blonde hasn't introduced her to her parents, Ali was secretly hoping she would do so. In fact, they already knew that Ash was gay because she told them several years ago, with the help of Whitney. They weren't religious, so they didn't think it was a unnatural thing to love a woman when you're one yourself. They accepted her the way she was. But Ali didn't know how the Harris were, nor if they were gonna like her.

Ashlyn kissed her to say hi, and they both headed outside of the hotel. They were going to a park, in order to enjoy the sunny day. They were walking hands in hands, avoiding the fans and the paparazzis, who were willing to find proofs of their love story, until Ashlyn sharply stopped. Ali looked at her in shock.

Just in front of them, in a bank, a 50 something years old woman was sitting, looking at them. Ali immediately knew it was Ash's mom. The Harris never were very close to each other, especially because both of Ashlyn's parents were alcoholic. But when her mother asked of the divorce and that her brother committed suicide several months later, Ashlyn immediately got closer to her mother - nobody knew why - because her father took off to live in Asia. The woman seemed a little bit older than she really was, and now that she was sober and had done rehab, she seemed pretty fit. She got up to hug Ashlyn, and then Ali.

But the defender's smile faded immediately when she saw a little girl running towards them. A little blonde, around 4 or 5 years old, bright blue eyes... and beautiful smiled that looked just like the one of someone she knew. "You gotta be kidding me..." Ali thought. She looked at Ash's mom, and then at Ash, not sure to understand. The little girl jumped in Ashlyn's arm and held her tight. She then looked straight at Ali.

That's when Ali's world went apart.

- Ali, meet Maisie.

Ali shook her head. Ashlyn continued :

- My daughter.

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