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Julie was freaking out.

She just realized she was in the middle of a wedding rehearsal - her wedding, by the way - and couldn't think about anything else than how wrong this all was. The guy standing in front of her was viril, gorgeous, caring, lovely... And yet she couldn't persuade herself that she was in love with him. Her heart was someone else's. She didn't know whether it was a test from God of not, but Julie didn't understand why she'd fallen for her best friend. Now, she wanted to marry the girl standing next to her more than the man in front of her.

Seeing her friend having kind of a breakdown, Becky pulled her by the arm and dragged her outside. The blonde was shaking, her eyes lost in the sky full of stars. Becky knew her very well : those past two years, she's been her mentor, and most importantly, her friend. She also saw the evolution of Christen's behavior whenever they were together. Christen used to smile all the time, and so did Julie. But now, everything was way darker. Becky knew they were madly in love with each other, but saw the despair on Julie's eyes.

Becky put her hands on Julie's shoulders.

- God won't strike you down for loving her, Johnston, she slowly said. We are all of God's children, and nothing will change that. He made you meet Christen for a reason. Don't let the love of your life watch your wedding.

- It's not right, Julie said, angry.

- Killing is not right. Abuses are not right. A lot of things aren't right. But loving someone with all you heart, and willing to do anything to keep them safe and happy, this is right. This is what matters the most.

Deep down, the younger one of the two knew her friend was right. But she couldn't admit it. She wasn't going to let Zach go. She wasn't ready to give up on her family. Becky saw the extreme sadness in her eyes.

- Kid, you can't marry Zach, Becky added.

- My family adores him, Julie said.

- And your mom loves Christen !

- Yeah, but she's a girl.

- That's a lame excuse, and you know it, Becky said, her voice getting louder. Julie, I love both of you so much, and I can tell that you two can't live without the other. Sometimes, you have to risk everything for love.

Julie just lost it. And Becky was there to hold her tight until her tears disappeared completely. They didn't know that Christen was just behind the open door, and that she's heard the whole conversation between the two defenders.


When Sammy proposed a movies night, she didn't expect to see all the rookies coming into her and Sonnett's room.

They settled on the floor, using blankets and pillows as a comfortable spot to lie down and enjoy the two movies Steph had chosen. Her, Moe and Lindsey were chatting on their own, practically ignoring the two remaining girls. Speaking of which ; Sammy was awkwardly sitting next to Emily on the bed, who was feeling a little dizzy at the moment - like every time she was near the Massachusetts girl. She knew this feeling was more than friendship, but she didn't want Sammy to run away from her. She was so unpredictable that it was impossible for her to guess how she would react.

Because, yeah, by the way, I'm in love with Samantha Mewis. How weird, Emily thought to herself. She and Sam were friends for years now, and never has she seen a girl so off the mark on... everything. She was acting weird all the time, and Emily found it pretty attractive somehow.

- You want a blanket on your legs, Mewy ? she asked.

Sammy, who was paying attention to the movie, was surprised when she turned her head and saw a big smile on Emily's face. She nodded, and the defender put a blanket on her, touching her legs accidentally. Sam immediately blushed, looking down. Why is she always so awkward when I'm here ? Do I make her uncomfortable ? Am I staring at her too intensively ? Gosh, she might know I've got a thing for her ! Emily freaked out.

Sammy let a small "thanks" out of her dry throat, before coughing and putting her attention back on the movie. But Emily couldn't put her eyes off of a certain blonde. Steph, who was looking at them right in that moment, caught Emily staring and frowned. The defender, too mesmerized by Sam, didn't even notice. The brunette pinched her two friends, so that she could show them how their friend was too obvious. When Moe and Lindsey got their eyes on them, Emily finally felt that she was the center of attention and returned their looks, shy as ever.

Suddenly, the three friends got up in the same time, claiming to go to the kitchen to get something to eat and drink. But as soon as Emily heard the door being locked from the outside of the room, she knew what it was about. Sammy looked shocked, and didn't even look at her friend, running straight t the door to try and open it.

But they were on that room and definitely couldn't get out.

- Shit, what's the matter with those guys ? Sammy complained.

- They think there's something going on between us, Emily said.

Sammy's eyes went wide.

- W-what ? What a crazy idea ! she exclaimed. I mean, you're definitely not my type at all ! Your nose is too small, and I like curly hair. Your hair ain't curly, hell no they aren't. And I don't like the way you talk sometimes, your accent is freaking annoying ! And also, your eyes are too blue I don't like staring in them because I always feel like I'm suffocating. A-and you smell good, I can't take you that. And...

Euh, okay... Emily thought, destabilized. She just looked at Sammy talking for three full minutes all by herself, enumerating all the arguments against their friends's idea. She then stopped, sighing, before looking back at Emily.

- Crazy idea, uhn ?

- Yah, I guess, Emily let out, thoughtful.

- You guess ? Sammy repeated, not sure how she should feel right now.

Emily took a step forward.

- I mean... You're definitely my type, she whispered slowly.

She's never seen Sammy being so uncomfortable and freaked out. Emily just took another step on her direction, as the other girl was just crashing into the wall with her back. Her breathing was heavier than before, and Emily didn't think twice before saying :

- You're cute when you're shy.

Sammy's eyes went once again wide.

- Sonnett, what the fuck ? she yelled, pushing Emily away.

She saw that the defender was hurt. Her blue eyes seemed to show her disappointment. As she was trying to figure out a way to beg her pardon, Sammy saw a flash of determination on Emily's eyes, and saw her coming near her once again.

- Don't tell me you don't find me attractive, Emily said.

She was even surprised by her own forwardness. She then just pressed her hand against the wall right behind Sammy, and prayed God that it wasn't a mistake. She started to lean in, while Sammy's eyes were doing back and forth between Emily's eyes and lips. Doubt was growing in both of the girls's eyes, and Emily felt Sam's warm breath against her lips.

At that very moment, the door was slammed open and their friends came into the room. Emily and Sam quickly cut off their proximity and tried their best not to look guilty. During the rest of the night, both of them would just stare at the floor and not speak to each other. Emily just let a little "sorry" out, and only Sam knew what it was about.

I fucked up.

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